
Professional Books (authored or co-authored by Thomas Spiegelhalter)
Del Borghi, A.(1); Spiegelhalter, T.(2) ; Moreschi, L.; Gallo,M. “Carbon-Neutral-Campus Building: Design Versus Retrofitting of Two University Zero Energy Buildings in Europe and in the United States.” 1. Department of Civil Chemical and Environmental Engineering, DICCA, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy. 2. Miami Beach Urban Studios, College of Architecture and the Arts, Florida International University, Miami, USA. Sustainability 2021, 13, 9023.

MDPI Journal Academic Editor: Bahadori-Jahromi, A. Published: 12 August 2021
Spiegelhalter, Thomas, Levente Juhasz, and Shrikanth Namuduri. "Genetic Food-Water-Energy Nexus Design Research for Miami’s Greater Islands - Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices (CRUNCH) Scripting and Coding AI-MLs." In Designing Sustainable and Resilient Cities: Small Interventions for Stronger Urban Food-Water-Energy Management. New York - London: Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. "Data-Driven Planning and Scenario Tools." In Designing Sustainable and Resilient Cities: Small Interventions for Stronger Urban Food-Water-Energy Management. Chapter 1.3. New York - London: Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group.
Thomas Spiegelhalter & Levente Juhasz. Srikanth Namuduri: International Conference: 27th World Congress of Architects (Union of Architects/UIA): “Genetic Water-Energy-Food Nexus Design Research for Miami’s Greater Islands - Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices (CRUNCH), and Scripting,” International Proceedings. Volume Editors UIA-ACSA, ISBN 978-1-944214-31-9, 2021.



Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Analog Tool Origins To AI Futures, Pioneering SynBio Nexus Design - Concepts, Tools, Workflows, Protocols, and Architectural Explorations, 1985-2100”. FrancoAngeli Rome Publisher, 390 pages, paper ISBN: 9788835161257, e-book ISBN: 9788835165064, 2024


Spiegelhalter, Thomas. Solare Kieswerk-Architektur. Zum Wohnen und Arbeiten, (German, English), Darmstadt, Germany: Juergen Haeusser Verlag, Sponsors: Regierungspraesidium Freiburg, Kunstverein Freiburg e. V., Architekturforum Freiburg e.V., Galerie Blau Freiburg, (1992), 41 pgs.


Spiegelhalter, Thomas, Levente Juhasz, and Shrikanth Namuduri. "Genetic Water-Energy-Food Nexus Design Research for Miami’s Greater Islands - Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices (CRUNCH) - Scripting and Coding AI-ML’s." In CRUNCH 2018-2022. Edited by Claire Coulter, Alessandro Melis, and Julia Brown. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
FIU-News: How will we live together in the future? Architecture faculty, students present innovative ideas at 2021 Venice Biennale Architecture professors and dozens of students will exhibit their work at one of the most prestigious international architecture events in the world Arts & Culture by Tatianna Basanta, June 3, 2021 at 11:40am




Thomas Spiegelhalter, Hwang Yi, Agent-Based Design Technology and Automation in the Built Environment, Birkhaeuser Publisher, Berlin-New York, 150 pgs., ISBN XXXXXX. In production.
Selected Publications in Books, Book Chapters, Magazines, Papers, Radio, TV Chronological in reverse order

Gianmichele Panarelli, “Adaptable Technologies—Le architetture di Thomas Spiegelhalter - The architecture of Thomas Spiegelhalter”, Le Architetture della Tecnologia - Architecture of Technology, Architetture della Tecnologia, (Italian and English),(Milan: Italy Franco Angeli 2008), 112 pages.

Carbon-Neutral Design Projects L.L.C

Andia, A; Spiegelhalter, Th.; “Automating Design and Construction: the Emergence of Offsite Manufacturing.”
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) 108 Annual Conference.ACSA108 Annual Meeting on March 12-14, 2020 in San Diego, California. 1/24/2020)

Andia, A; Spiegelhalter, Th.; “Biological Imaginations for the Biscayne Bay Estuary.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) 108 Annual Conference.ACSA108 Annual Meeting on March 12-14, 2020 in San Diego, California. 1/24/2020)


Spiegelhalter, Thomas. Mediatecturen und Deponiekörper, Projekt Beryl A, (German, English), Darmstadt, Germany: Juergen Haeusser Verlag, Sponsors: Regierungspraesidium Freiburg, Kunstverein Freiburg e. V., Architekturforum Freiburg e.V., Galerie Blau Freiburg, (1992), 71 pgs.



Talele, S., Traylor, C., Arpan, L., Curley, C., Chen, C., Day, J., Feiock, R., Hadzikadic, M., Ingman, S., Karaguzel, O.T., Lam, K.P., Menassa, C., Pevnitskaya, S., Spiegelhalter, T., Tolone, W.J., Yan, W., Yeatts, D., Zhu, Y., and Tao, Y., 2017, “Energy Modeling and Data Structure Framework for Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (SHBE) - A Review”, Journal Frontiers in Energy, Springer, 2018.
Spiegelhalter, Thomas. Gravel Pit Architecture Projects 1980-1990, (German, English), (Darmstadt, Germany: Juergen Haeusser Verlag, 1990), 80 pgs.
Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Sostenibilita su base prestazionale: colmare il divario tra progettazione urbana e tecnologie adattabili (Performance based sustainability: bridging the gap between community design and adaptable technology).” Adaptable Technologies – Le architettura di Thomas Spiegelhalter (The Architecture of Thomas Spiegelhalter edited by Gianmichelle Panarelli, (Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2008), 17-22, 103-107.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “In Sessione III: La ricera e la sperimentazione progettuale – Sostenibilita dei progetti e nuove tecnologia nei paesaggi urbani e postindustriali.” Involucri energetic edited by Angelucci, Filippo and Gianmichelle Panarelli. DITAC-ARAEN Agenzia Regione Abruzzo per l’Energia – Programma Communitario SAVE (Pescara, Italy: SALA-editori s.a.s, 2003), 113-119.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas., “Towards Zero-Energy-Urban-Infrastructures”, in Resource Architecture”, UIA Berlin 2002 XXI World Main Congress of Architecture - The Future of Architecture, Report and Outlook, UIA White Book 2002, Union Internationale des Architects, UIA, BDA, (Berlin-Paris-Basel-Boston-NYC, Birkhaeuser 2002), pg. 8, 210-213

Drecker, Peter, D. Fuerst and T. Spiegelhalter. “New Park – Visions Need Space.” Visions and scenarios for development concepts for investors of new sustainable industrial and business parks in the Emscher Lippe Region, (Düsseldorf, Germany: Ruhr Kohle Publishing House, 2000), 19 pgs.

Drecker, Peter, T. Spiegelhalter, A. Wolf. “Feasibility study for the environmental site evaluation and reactivation of abandoned industrial areas.” The new urban development in the Ruhr Valley.” (Ruhrgebiet, Germany: EW Oestliches, 1998), 37 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. ”Solare Stadtreihenhaeuser in Freiburg Rieselfeld (Architekt Prof. Thomas Spiegelhalter) – Stadtreihenhaeuser mit aktiver und passiver Solarnutzung (Solar City Row Houses).” Aktueller Praxisratgeber fuer Umweltfreundliches Bauen (Actual Guidelines for Best Practice in Environmental friendly Construction),“ edited by Kolb, Bernhard (WEKA Baufachverlage GmbH fuer Architekten und ingenieure, May 1998) 1-6.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Fassadenintegrierte Photovoltaik- u. Informationssysteme.” TERRATEC ’94. Energie-Energieökonomisches Bauen, Energy - Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Umweltinnovationen (International Trade Fair and Conference for Environmental Innovations) edited by Hoffmann, Volker U., Rolf Thiel. Section: Messe Leipzig and Bundesministerium fuer Umweltschutz, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit Bonn, (Stuttgart; B.G. Teubner Verlag, 1994), 95-109.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas and Wilfried Lewitzki. “Innovative Holzbauweisen fuer den Wohnungsbau (Innovative Wood Constructions for Housing).” Informationsdienst Holz - Wohnungsbau, Reihe 4, Ausgabe 1993. Entwicklungsgemeinschaft Holzbau in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Holzforschung, (Düsseldorf, Germany: Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Holz e.V., 1993), 6 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Gravel Pit Architecture, Karl-Hofer-Preis 1990.” Karl-Hofer-Symposium 1990, University of the Arts Berlin, Germany, (Berlin: Colloquium Verlag, 1991), 21-24.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Sabliere, Drop-off II, Kieswerk IN SITU, Espace Vert, Pelouse des Ciments d’Origny.” Les Ateliers Du Sundgau Nr.1, De Tout Bois-Installations-Expositions, CRAC, Centre Regional D´Art Contemporain Alsac, (France: Mulhousse, Catalogue, 1990), 31-38.

Reviews of Built Research Work in Professional Books (Selected. About Thomas Spiegelhalter):

Tabb, Phill. “A Critical History of Contemporary Architecture 1960-2010 - The Greening of Architecture.” (London: Publishing House Ashgate, 2012), 1 pg.

Angelucci, Filippo and Luigi Cavallari. “La costruzione del paesaggio energetico –Centro Culturale e Sociale Breisach, progettato da Thomas Spiegelhalter.” Richerche di tecnologia dell’architettura Franco Angelo, (Italy: Franco Angeli Editor Milano, 2011), 24, 35. Cover image.

Gallanti, Fabrizio. “For a Frugal Approach in Architecture - Scientific Committee.” ABITARE, (International Architecture Magazine, November 2010), 1 pg.

Yudelson, Yerry. “Green Building Trends in Europe.” Solar Town Houses Rieselfeld, 1st ed. (Island Press, 2009), 2 pgs.

Paul F. Downton. “Ecopolis: Architecture and Cities for a Changing Climate.” (Springer; 2009 edition), pg. 170

Reiners, Holger et al. “Thomas Spiegelhalter, Doppelhaeuser am Kaiserstuhl, Ein Platz an der Sonne.” In Individuelle Doppelhaeuser & Reihenhaeuser, (Munich, Germany, Verlagsanstalt Callwey, 1998), 43-48.

Guadra, Manuel. “Thomas Spiegelhalter, Projekt Visionen Thomas Spiegelhalter.” In Visionen Berlin Karl-Marx-Allee, Architektenkammer Hessen und Berlin, German Museum of Architecture Frankfurt, (Hamburg: Junius Verlag, 1997), 4 pgs.

Lerch, H. “Architektur ist kein Zufall – drei andere Projekte, T. Spiegelhalter.” In Bausubstanz neu genutzt - Architektur individueller Arbeitsstaetten, (Architecture is no coincidence – three other projects of Thomas Spiegelhalter, Individual Working Environments) (Stuttgart: Alexander Koch Echterdingen Verlagsanstalt, 1993), 8 pgs.

Cooper, Douglas. “Drawing and Perceiving: Real-World Drawing for Students of Architecture and Design.” 4th Edition, (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007), 3, 48, 230, NPR.

Fuad-Luke, Alastair. “ECO-Design Handbook, A Complete Sourcebook.” Model Buildings, Thomas Spiegelhalter, (London: Thames & Hudson, 2006), 9, 250, 309.

Tietz, Juergen. “Geschichte der Architektur des 20. Jahrhunderts (The History of Architecture in the 20thCentury.” (Cologne: House Koenemann, 1998), 94.

Abraham, Lorence E. and Thomas Fischer. "Living Spaces - Sustainable Building Design.” German Oeko Test, (Cologne: Koennemann Verlag, 1998), 137-143.

Drecker, Peter. “Stacks – Garten Osterfeld, Bundesgartenschau Oberhausen.” In Schwarzes Tor und Koksbatterie, (Bottrop: Eigenverlag Drecker, 1998), 26-30, 36-37.

B. Rodeck, et al. “Mensch-Farbe-Raum.” Grundlagen der Farbgestaltung in Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Design und Planung, (Stuttgart: Verlagsanstalt Alexander Koch GmbH -DRW Buchverlag, 1998), 136-137.

Humpert, K. “Stadterweiterung Rieselfeld - Modell für eine wachsende Stadt.” (Stuttgart: ava, 1997), 2 pgs.

Jodidio, Philipp. “Contemporary European Architects, Volume 5.” Solar Architectural Sculpture by Thomas Spiegelhalter, (Köln-London-New York-Paris-Tokyo: Benedikt Taschen, 1997), 42- 43, 46-47, 160-169.


Thomas Spiegelhalter, Alfredo Andia, Juhasz Levente, Srikanth Namuduri. Book Chapter: “Generative and synthetic biological design imaginations for the Miami Bay area.” The 38th eCAADe Conference – Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe conference on Anthropologic – Architecture, and Fabrication in the cognitive age… From smart to behavioral… From digital to material, Technical University Berlin, page 11- 20, September 2020.

Exhibitions and shows of built projects, competitions and installations (Selected):

““PER UN’ ARCHITETTURA E UN’ ARTE FRUGALE”, Exhibition, Conference Bruno Zevi Foundation, Rome, Italy. Scientific Committee: José Forjaz, Françoise Fromonot, Jorge Mario Jáuregui, Alison Kwok, and Thomas Spiegelhalter, 2009

In collaboration with: Architectural Association School of Architecture. The exhibition will show drawings, models, and some documents referred to the realized projects (photos, plans, and films). A catalogue and an international conference with the participation of architects, artists, experts, craftsmen, and representatives of institutions operating in the sector of the environment, its sustainable transformation, and the promotion of local development accompany the exhibition.Italian: http://www.fondazionebrunozevi.it/archFrugale/archFrugale.html

“EMS–Post-Occupancy-Monitoring and Building Energy Passport Implementation For The USC School of Architecture”, L.A, Poster Exhibition, Solar 2008 Conference, ASES, American Solar Energy Society, San Diego, USA, 2008

“Solar architectural site alignment strategies for performance-based design”, Poster Exhibition, EUROSOLAR, „Sun and Sense, “7th Intl. Conference for Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, Berlin, Germany, 2008

“Triennale di Milano-Sustainable Architecture” Exhibition, Milano, Italy, 2006

“Climate Adaptable Solar-Zero-Fossil-Energy-Building Prototype”, 10. Intl. Passive House Conference 2006, Hanover, Congress Centrum, Germany, 2006

“Green Stop-Zero-Fossil-Fuel Prototype”, CalTrans Green Stop Competition Exhibition, Sacramento, California, 2006,

“Design Alexanderplatz Berlin”. Intl. Urban Design Competition, Berlin, Germany, 2004

“Re-development Spielbudenplatz Hamburg-Reeperbahn.” Intl. Design Competition, Hamburg, Germany, 2004

“Sustainable Malama Campus High-School Learning Center,” 2003 Meritorious Award, Intl. Architectural Design Competition exhibition City of Kapolei, Hawaii, USA, 2003-04

“First Prize, Concours Construction Acier”. Exhibition Centre Information Acier, Brussels, Luxembourg-Belgium, 2003

“Towards Zero-Fossil-Energy Urban Infrastructures”, Urban Models in Dialogue -Poster Traveling Exhibition“, XXI World Congress of Architecture Berlin 2002, UIA Union Internationale des Architectes, 2002

“Solar Decathlon CMU Demonstration Building”, National Mall in Washington, NREL, Department of Energy (DOE), EPA, BP, USA, 2002

“TERRITORIES: Contemporary European Landscape Design”, Exhibition contribution w. P. Drecker, J. Dittus (Landscape Architects) at Harvard University, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, USA. 2000-2001

“Singapore University Urban Design”, Exhibition: Intl. Singapore University Urban Design Competition, Malaysia, 2000,

“Bridge to the Park of the Senses in Laatzen”, Expo 2000 Hannover, City Laatzen-Hannover, Germany, 1999-2000

“Le Jardin des Deux Rives”. 4th Price Intl. Realization Competition exhibition, Strasbourg, France. 1999-2000

“German Recognition Award for the Solar Townhouses Ihringen”, Exhibition, The German Society for Solar Energy, International Solar Energy Society (ISES), 1999.

Travelling Exhibition: “Under The Sun - An Outdoor Exhibition”, German Contribution: Solar Architecture Sculpture – Thomas Spiegelhalter, Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum New York, BP Solar, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), USA, 1996-2000.

“Redesigning disposable eight by ten high-rise housing units”. Satellite district of Leipzig-Gruenau, Federal Ministry of Environmental Planning Bonn, and Urban Development Bonn, City of Leipzig, Germany, 1998

“Re-use and Transformation of the Mega-Coal-Mining-Promoting-Bridge Zwenkau. Expo-Application-Project, Competition exhibition City of Leipzig,” Regierungspraesidium Leipzig and City Leipzig, Germany, 1998

“GlobalWorkSpirit: Fast forward Architecture Leipzig”, Exhibition G. D. Hines College of Architecture, University of Houston,1998, USA.

“Bundesgartenschau Karlsruhe Urban Design”, Competition exhibition, BGS Karlsruhe, Germany,1998

“BGS Berlin-Hellersdorf Urban and Landscape Design,” Competition exhibition, Berlin, Germany, 1998

“2nd prize - Redevelopment master plan coal mining area of Espenhain-South Leipzig.” National Expert Design Competition exhibition, w. P. Drecker and Montan Property Development Society Berlin, City of Leipzig, Germany, 1998

“Expo-Project: Re-use and Transformation of Coal Mining Promoting Bridge Klettwitz,” Brandenburg. Competition exhibition Federal Office Kleine Elster, Brandenburg, Germany, 1997

“Design transformation study for the abandoned cement factory infrastructure of the Country Federal Garden Show Weil am Rhein”. Exhibition, sponsor City of Weil of Rhine, Germany, 1997

“Transformation of the dry dock infrastructure of Antwerp,” Belgium.Design exhibition Gallery De Grote Wite Arend Antwerp with Henry Van De Velde Instituut Antwerp, City of Antwerp, Havenbedrijf Antwerp and others, Belgium,1997..

“German-French military brigade Müllheim, Germany,” Competition exhibition. Sponsor: Ministry Paris, France, 1997

“Zeche Osterfeld Oberhausen”. International Building Exhibition Emscher Park (IBA) City of Oberhausen, 1996-1999

“Art Museum Linz, Austria”. Intl Design Realization Competition exhibition, City of Linz, Austria, 1997

“Critical Reiteration of architecture in the former East Germany (DDR) by the example of the Karl-Marx-Allee Berlin”. Exhibition Hessian and Berlin Architect Organization, Federal German Architecture Museum in Frankfurt, Germany 1996

“Fragment und Anamorphose – Thomas Spiegelhalter,” Gallery Blau, Introduction: Prof. Dr. Langner, University of Freiburg,1996

“Haeuser der Zukunft, Bauen und Umwelt.” Travelling exhibition BHW, Bundesumweltministerium Bonn, 1993-96

“Sculptural Environments in Eurotec Moers.” City of Moers, PRO Ruhr District, Moers, Ruhr Coal AG, Germany, 1994

“Solar Elementary and High School in Ihringen”. Competition exhibition School District Breisgau, Germany,1995

“Constantini Art Museum”, Intl. Design Competition Exhibition Constantini Art Museum, Buenos Aires, Argentina,1994.

“Intelligent Buildings- Klimawerkzeug Architektur,” Traveling exhibition University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Architecture, Town Planning, Gallery "Der Raum", AEDES Berlin, Publisher House J. Haeusser, Darmstadt, Germany, 1993.

“Three Out of Two - New Concepts for Wood Buildings, New Approaches for Building in a Time of Low Public Budgets,” Exhibition AEDES Berlin, City Department of Frankfurt, Kerto Intl., German Forest Economy, Bonn, Germany, 1993.

“Ecological Building Exhibition in Quasnitz, Lütschena”, Competition exhibition, Luetschena by Leipzig, Germany, 1993.

“German Architecture Awards for Buildings of Concrete 1993,” Travelling exhibition Freiburg and Cologne,1993

“Helmholtzplatz Prenzlauer Berg Berlin”. Intl, Urban Landscape Design Competition exhibition, Germany,1993

“Master Plan Vauban-Freiburg”. Intl. Urban Landscape Design Competition exhibition, Freiburg, Germany, 1993

“Special Recognition Award Kindergarten”, Daycare, Offenburg. Competition exhibition, Offenburg, Germany, 1992

“Institute of Pharmacy and Pharmacology.” Design competition exhibition, University of Freiburg, Germany, 1992

“Public Library and Media Center Building Lörrach.” Recognition Award exhibition City of Loerrach, Germany,1992

“High School Buildings Stuehlingen.” Design award realization competition exhibition in Stühlingen, Germany,1992

“New Church and Conference Center for the Southwest German Protestant Church Organization,” Design Realization Exhibition Bad Herrenalb, Germany,1992

“Experimental Solar Low Energy Cultural Center Breisach.” Exhibition Architekturforum Freiburg, Kunstverein Freiburg, Regierungspraesidium Freiburg, Chamber of Architects Suedbaden, Germany 1992

“Municipality Town Hall in Offenburg.” Design Award realization competition exhibition, City Offenburg, Germany 1992

“New Headquarter and Sewage Treatment Facility for the Sewage Federation Breisgauer Bay” in Freiburg. Design Award realization competition exhibition, City of Freiburg, Germany 1992

“Karl-Hofer-Award Berlin.” Research project exhibition of the Karl-Hofer-Gesellschaft Berlin, Germany, 1992

“Transformation of the former Russian military infrastructure and landfill area of Magdeburg.” Awarded competition exhibition, Bundesarchitektenkammer, City of Magdeburg, Germany 1992

“Beryl A - virtual infrastructure town landscape in the year 3000. “ Multimedia installation, Art museum Kunstverein Freiburg, Architecture Forum Freiburg, Art Society Freiburg, Gallery Blau, Freiburg, Germany, 1992

“Monumental installation in situ / Espace Vert (Pelouse) des Ciments d 'Origny.” Exhibition Ministere de la Culture, Conseil Regional d' Alsace, Regio Basiliensis, Haut Rhin, France, 1991

“JAMITH, Avner Levav (Israel) -Thomas Spiegelhalter (Berlin/Freiburg) -Ari Nahor (Kibbutz Afikim, Israel)” Group exhibition, Staedtische Galerie Schwarzes Kloster, Freiburg, Germany 1990

“Gravel Pit Architecture, Kieswerk Architekturen Thomas Spiegelhalter.” Exhibition Gallery AEDES and Architekturforum Berlin, Germany 1990

“Experimentum Hominis”, Architekturinstallation and Video: 6. Deutscher Kunst- und Therapiekongress in Kassel (6th German Congress of Art and Therapy), Kassel, Germany 1989

“Westend-Komplexbrigade. Monumental multimedia installation European Year of Culture 1988,” City of Berlin, Germany,1988

“First prize Satellite High-Rise Design District Märkisches Viertel Berlin” exhibition, German Minister for Building and Town Planning, GeSoBau, Berlin, Germany 1988

“First Prize Project Berlin Ice Wall Mitigation,” Exhibition International Urban Design Competition, Mythos Berlin GmbH, Museum at Checkpoint Charlie Berlin, Germany, 1987

TV Documentation, Youtube and Shows (Selected work about Thomas Spiegelhalter):

“Off the Grid - Documentary Featuring Green Buildings and the Solar Decathlon 2007,” Washington, Executive Producers: M. Chow, AIA, USC Prof. N. Hollyn, School of Cinema, M. Oviedo, Co-hosts: USC Th. Spiegelhalter, M. Chow, USA.

AIA Pasadena-Foothill 2030 Agenda Launch (You Tube). The Pasadena Foothill American Institute of Architects (AIA) and Southern California Edison launched a series of 10 educational sessions with Thomas Spiegelhalter (Moderator) to provide architects and design professionals REAL TOOLS to meet the "AIA 2030 Challenge" for carbon neutral and energy efficient green design and construction in California. Executive Producers: Mina Chow, AIA, Los Angeles, CA, (2010). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-U_en7IIS8

Betonhaus in der Kiesgrube, Solares Kulturzentrum Breisach, (Gravel Pit Concrete Building - Solar Cultural Center Breisach). Editor Inka Bause: RTL, NORD-DEICH Television Produktionsgesellschaft, RTL-German TV, (April 28, 2010).

“World’s Most Extreme Homes, Eco-friendly Building”, Breisach, Arch. Thomas Spiegelhalter, Germany, HGTV. US TV 26 part series, UK Pioneer Productions London, and USA, Broadcasted: USA HGTV -Channel, April 2, 2007

“architettura- film-music. vol. 1,”contribution architecture-sculpture, CAIPIRINHA video shows in New York City, 2000.

“Ratgeber Bauen und Wohnen: Solare Kulturzentrum Breisach,” ARD, German TV, 24. October 2000

“Architektur und Recycling,” ZDF German TV Dr. Thomas Hocke. Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Juli-Sept. 1994

”Vernissage- Architekturskulpturen, Liveveranstaltung,” Swiss TV: DRS Television Zürich, Switzerland, März 1993

“Design-Symposium Architektur-Skulptur,” German SWF-TV: W. Scherer Katholische Akademie, Architekturforum Freiburg (Chamber of Architects Suedbaden), Galerie Blau, SWF 2, March 1993

“Schrottskulptur-Interview and Report,” German SWF-TV H. Brandenburg, M. Lämmle Landesumschau SWF 3, 1993

“BERYL A”- Architekturale Installation Kunstverein Freiburg, German SWF-TV P. Krieg, W. Scherer SWF 3, bizz, 1993

“Intl. Ideenwettbewerb zur Verstädterung der Berliner Mauer—Eismauer von Th. Spiegelhalter” TV RIAS Berlin, 3/1987

“Schöner Wohnen im Beton Berlin —Thomas Spiegelhalter Kunst und Bauen”, P. Voss, German ZDF TV, Heute Journal, Report, Interview: First Prize Schinkelpreis Satellite High-Rise District Maerkisches Viertel, Berlin 1986

The support through a grant from US National Science Foundation (Award# 1338851) is greatly appreciated. The SHBE-RCN activities enjoy the broad supports from IEA Annex 66 group, US DOE’s Building Technology Office, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, Umberto Grosso, Feng Xu, Lepratti C., Morbiducci, Renata. "Parametric-algorithmic, Sea-level-rise Building Design Solutions: Long-term Design Testing and Optimization Scenarios for Miami Beach Buildings in Florida," Twelfth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices 2018 Special Focus: No Boundaries Design / Design No Fronteras, 5–7 March 2018, Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, Barcelona, Spain

Spiegelhalter, Thomas., Adriani Del Borghi. In: " "Comparative International Carbon-neutral Campus Building Design Operation Strategies: University of Genoa, Italy and Florida International University in Miami, United States," Twelfth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices 2018 Special Focus: No Boundaries Design / Design No Fronteras, 5–7 March 2018, Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, Barcelona, Spain

Spiegelhalter,Thomas, Biermann, Adam. 'Automating Carbon Neutral Design and Practice for Optimization, Manufacturing, and Post-Occupancy Evaluation'. (Design Transforming Society) Lecture and journal publication at 10th International Conference on Design Principles & Practices at PUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Feb. 25 -27, 2017.

Thomas Spiegelhalter, Perry Polar, Asad Mohammed. "Towards Carbon-Neutral Design Education in Programs of the Built Environment in Caribbean Higher Education Institutes" Lecture and Journal publication at 10th International Conference on Design Principles & Practices at PUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Feb. 25 -27, 2016.

Thomas Spiegelhalter, Camilo Rosales. In: “Cross-American Experiences in an Ambitious Energy Reduction and Policy Implementation Project, publication and presentation in the "Ecology," session. ACSA 2016 International Conference - Santiago, Chile. June 29 - July 1, 2016

Thomas Spiegelhalter. In: “Carbon-Neutral Design Education and Practice in the Caribbean Region: A European Union funded Holistic Integrated Project Delivery Approach," publication and presentation in the "New Trajectories in Academia," session. ACSA 2016 International Conference - Santiago, Chile. June 29 - July 1, 2016.

Thomas Spiegelhalter, Gianmichele Panarelli, Clarissa Di Tonno. In: "Innovative approaches for new developments for Smart Cities.” The 3rd MEC International Conference “Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) 2016, IEEE,(Co-Sponsors: Universitat Barcelona, Middle East College). Muscat, Oman. March 15-16, 2016.

Thomas Spiegelhalter, Alfredo Andia. In: “Automating Green Practice”. Intersections Between the Academy and Practice. Applied Research in Architecture Education that Advances Practice. AIA ACSA Conference Atlanta, May 9, 2015.

“Estudio 505 Magazine, La evolucion de la Arquitectura y Diseño en Nicaragua” - Essential Architecture – MUNDANEUM, Managua, (Professional Essay for Latin America and the Caribbean), 2015.

Thomas Spiegelhalter. In: “Total Building Automation for The Nearly Net-Zero-Fossil-Energy Q1 Thyssenkrupp Headquarter.” Publication and presentation at 31th International PLEA 15 Conference on Architecture in (R)evolution, Bologna, Italy 9-11 Sept. 2015.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. ACSA 102nd Annual Meeting “Emerging Workflows, Techniques, and Design Protocols for Carbon-Neutral Buildings,” Location: Miami Beach, FL, USA, Moderator, 2014.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas.. “Energy-Efficiency Retrofitting and Transformation of the FIU-College of Architecture into a Net-Zero-Energy-Building in 2018.” (Cancun, Mexico, The Solar World Congress, Nov.3-7, 2013)

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Integrated Design Pedagogy in Energy Efficiency Design Education – Tools for Teaching Sustainable Design.” (Bristol, Rhode Island: BTES Building Technology Educators' Society Conference, 2013)

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. "New Industrial Design Protocols for Carbon Neutral Buildings ACSA 101: NEW CONSTELLATIONS / NEW ECOLOGIES. (San Francisco: National ACSA, Conference, March 21, 2013)

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Energy-Efficiency Retrofitting and Transformation of the FIU-College of Architecture into a Net-Zero-Energy-Building in 2018.” (Cancun, Mexico, The Solar World Congress, Nov.3-7, 2013),

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Exergy Analysis and Design Optimization for Carbon Neutral Architecture”, International Journal for Design Principles and Practices (CG Publisher, Chiba University, Tokyo, Japan),

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. "'New Design Protocols for Industrial-scaled Modes of Production for Carbon Neutral Buildings." The International Journal of the Constructed Environment , Volume 3, Issue 3, (2013). 11 pgs.

S. Vassigh, J. Chandler, Th. Spiegelhalter, E. Oezer. “Integrated Design Pedagogy in Energy Efficiency Design Education – Tools for Teaching Sustainable Design.” (Bristol, Rhode Island: BTES Building Technology Educators' Society Conference, 2013), 8 pgs.

S, Vassigh, J. Chandler, Th. Spiegelhalter, E. Oezer. “Design Pedagogy for Carbon-Neutral-Design Education.” (Cancun, Mexico, The Solar World Congress, Nov. 3-7, 2013), 8 pgs

Spiegelhalter Thomas. "New Industrial Design Protocols for Carbon Neutral Buildings." In: "101_1 Waste(lands)+Material Economies / Practicing Industry" paper session. (The ACSA Annual Meeting March 21–24, 2013, San Francisco, CA). 8 pgs.

Kang, Youngcheol, Yimin Zhu, Thomas Spiegelhalter, and Nezih Pala: “A Dynamic and Context-Driven Benchmarking Framework for Zero-Net-Energy buildings.” 2012 ASCE IWCCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Clearwater Beach, (IWCCE Conference Proceedings, 2012), 6 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Hacia La Evaluacion Comparative Global, Mas Alla De La Arquitectura Verde.” Sostenibilidad el reto de la arquitectura moderna. Sociedad Columbiana de arquitectos, (Revista Arquitecto Journal 04, 2012), 70-72

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Modeling Net-Zero-Fossil-Energy Buildings with 3D/4D Parametric BIM Performance Tools.” Journal of Green Building, Industry Research Section, Volume 7, Issue 4, (2012). 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. "Roadmap for Developing Low-Carbon Buildings and Cities in the United States by 2050." in The Constructed Environment 2011, Volume 4, Issue 4. The International Journal on the Constructed Environment. (Chigaco: Common Ground Publishing, 2012), 12 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas and Andrew Lee. "Climatic Tropism In Buildings: Designing with Natural Response Cycles for Better Performance.” Design Principles & Practices - An International Journal,Volume 5, Number 4, (Los Angeles: Common Ground Publishing, 2012), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Designing and Manufacturing Zero-Fossil-Energy Buildings With 3D Parametric Performance Tools.” Design Principles & Practices - An International Journal, Volume 5, Number 4, (Los Angeles: Common Ground Publishing, 2012), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Carbon Neutrality Benchmarking for Buildings and Cities in the United States by 2050?" The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design (Chigaco: Common Ground Publishing, 2012), 12 pgs

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Designing Net-Energy-Zero Buildings with Natural Systems.” Eco-Architecture IV, 2012, Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature, The International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, (Boston: WIT Press Southampton, 2012).

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Tropical Architecture with Micro-Generation for Cooling and Dehumidification." Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, (David Publishing Company, 2012), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, Nezih Pala and Youngcheol Kang. “Energy Use and CO2e Reduction Benchmarking – Case Study: FIU’s LEED Certified School of International and Public Affairs.” – PLEA 2012, Opportunities, Limits & Needs, Towards an Environmentally Responsible Architecture. 28th International Conference on Low Energy Architecture, (Lima, Peru: CIAC / PUCUP - Proceedings, 2012). 8 pgs. http://www.plea2012.pe/

Alfredo Andia, Thomas Spiegelhalter. “Topological and Parametric Temperatures in Architectural Academia.” 2012 ACSA International Conference, CHANGE, Architecture, Education, Practices (Barcelona, Spain: ACSA Proceedings,2012), 8 pgs. http://www.acsa-arch.org/programs-events/conferences/international-conference

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, Nezih Pala and Youngcheol Kang. “Diagnosing, Benchmarking and Transforming the LEED certified FIU-SIPA Building into a Net-Zero-Energy-Building (Net-ZEBs).” World Renewable Energy Forum (WREF) 2012, ASES American Solar Energy Society, (WREF-ASES Proceedings, Denver, Colorado, 2012), 6 pgs. http://www.ases.org/wref2012/proceedings-2012/

Kang, Youngcheol, Yimin Zhu, Thomas Spiegelhalter, and Nezih Pala: “A Dynamic and Context-Driven Benchmarking Framework for Zero-Net-Energy buildings.” 2012 ASCE IWCCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Clearwater Beach, (IWCCE Conference Proceedings, 2012), 6 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Entropy Processes in Low-Exergy Architecture.” PLEA 2012, Opportunities, Limits & Needs, Towards an Environmentally Responsible Architecture, 28th, Inter-national Conference on Low Energy Architecture, (Lima, Peru: CIAC/PUCUP-Proceedings, 2012).

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Transforming and Benchmarking a LEED certified University building into a Net-Zero-Energy Building in the Subtropics.” 28th International PLEA Conference 2012, OPPORTUNITIES, LIMITS & NEEDS, Towards an environmentally responsible architecture, LIMA, November. 7-9 2012, (Lima, Peru: PLEA Proceedings, 2012), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “AIA 2030 Carbon Neutral Building Challenge - Designing Net-Zero-Energy Buildings with Parametric 3D/4D-BIM Design Tools.” 28th International PLEA Conference 2012, OPPORTUNITIES, LIMITS & NEEDS, Towards an environmentally responsible architecture, LIMA, Nov. 7-9, 2012, (Lima, Peru: PLEA Proceedings, 2012). 8 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, Nezih Pala and Youngcheol Kang. “Energy Use and CO2e Reduction Benchmarking – Case Study: FIU’s LEED Certified School of International and Public Affairs.” – PLEA 2012, Opportunities, Limits & Needs, Towards an Environmentally Responsible Architecture. 28th International Conference on Low Energy Architecture, (Lima, Peru: CIAC / PUCUP - Proceedings, 2012). 8 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Designing with Parametric 3D-tools, Measuring and Benchmarking Carbon-Neutral-Architecture: Local Examples, Global Perspective.” 2012 ACSA International Conference, CHANGE, Architecture, Education, Practices, (Barcelona, Spain:ACSA-Proceedings, 2012), 8 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Achieving the European and North American ‘2020-2030 Targets’ of Net-Zero-Energy-Buildings with Parametric 3D/4D-BIM Design Tools.” 2012 ACSA International Conference, CHANGE, Architecture, Education, Practices (Barcelona, Spain: ACSA Proceedings, 2012), 8 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Dia-Para-Heliotropism for Parametrically Designing Carbon Neutral Plus Energy Buildings.” International Biomimicry Symposium: “Sustainability through Biomimicry: Discovering a world of solutions inspired by nature'. University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia. (Abu Dhabi, Proceedings, 2012), 6 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Parametric Carbon-Neutral 3D-Design with Climatic Tropism For Better Building Energy Performance.”International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology ICEEB 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (ICEEB –Proceedings 2012), 7 pgs.,

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Designing Carbon-Neutral Plus-Energy-Buildings with Site Adaptive Heliotropism Cycles."World Renewable Energy Forum (WREF) 2012, ASES American Solar Energy Society, ASES, (WREF-ASES Proceedings, Denver, Colorado, 2012), 8 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Towards Zero Net Energy Buildings – Bridging The Gap Between Parametric 3D/4D-BIM Design And The AIA 2030 Challenge.” World Renewable Energy Forum (WREF 2012), ASES American Solar Energy Society, (WREF-ASES Proceedings, Denver, Colorado, 2012), 6 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “A New Carbon-Neutrality Designer Society: Greenhouse Gases Reduction And Self-actualization.” Green Age 2012 - International Conference, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Istanbul, (Green Age 2012 Proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012), 6 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Achieving The Legal Net-Zero-Energy-Buildings ‘2020 Targets’ With Parametric 3D/4D BIM Design Tools.” International Conference Green Age 2012, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Istanbul, (Green Age 2012 , Istanbul, Turkey, 2012), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Two International Parametric 3D-Design Case Studies: Climatic Heliotropism For Better Building Energy and Life-Cycle-Performance.” International Conference Green Age 2012, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Istanbul, (Green Age 2012 Proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “From Theory to Practice in Measuring and Benchmarking Design/Build Sustainable Architecture: Local Examples, Global Perspective.” Design Principles and Practices - An International Journal, Volume 5, Number 2, (Rome: Common Ground Publishing, 2011), 12-32.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “GHG Reduction And Self-Actualization Of A New Green Designer Society.” Local/Identities/Global Challenges, ACSA Fall Conference Houston, Session ENERGY/ECOLOGY/GREEN, (Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture-Proceedings, Houston, Texas, 2011), 8 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Tropical Architecture with Micro-Generation for Cooling and Dehumidification." ATINER, First Annual International Conference on Construction, 2011 Architecture and Engineering, (Athens, Greece: ATINER Publisher, 2011), 8 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Innovative building integrated micro-generation systems for cooling, heating, and dehumidification in hot and humid climate zones.” PLEA 2011 - 30th Anniversary– Architecture & Sustainable Development - HVAC-Equipment and Regulation (Complementary to Design), Volume 1 of 2. Conference Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, (Louvan-la-Neuve, Belgium: UCL Presses Universitaires, 2011), 651- 657.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Ein selbstreferenzielles System Anspruch und Wirklichkeit energieeffi-zienter und klimagerechter Städte in den USA (A Self-referentiell System: Intention and Reality of Energy Efficient and Climate Responsive Cities in the U.S.).” In Edition Thema: Stadt & Energie (Theme: City And Energy),Stadt Bauwelt Magazine, Nr. 189 (The World of Cities and Buildings Journal, No. 189), (Berlin: Bauverlag BV, December 2010), 40-48.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Energy Efficient Buildings and Cities in the U.S.” The POLYCITY Project - Visions of Sustainable Urban Energy Systems, POLYCITY Final Conference 2010. European Commission CONCERTO Research Initiative, Sixth Framework Program, (Stuttgart, Germany: zafh.net Centre of Applied Research - Sustainable Energy Technology, 2010), 32-37

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Global Benchmarking? Taking a Critical Look at Eco-Architectures.” in ECO-Architecture III - Harmonisation Between Architecture and Nature.” Volume 128. The International Journal on Ecology and the Environment, (Southhampton UK: WITPRESS, WIT-Transactions, 2010), 387-396, ISBN 1743-3541 (WIT e-library on-line).

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. "Designing Cities of the Future with the Principles of Biomimicry and Circular Metabolism.” Design Principles and Practices - An International Journal”, Volume 4, Number 2 (Champaign: Common Ground Publishing, 2010), 267-279.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Biomimicry and Circular Metabolism for the Cities of the Future.” The Sustainable City VI - Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, Vol. 129, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. (Southhampton: WITPRESS, WIT-Transaction, Uk, 2010), 215-227, doi: 10.249/SC100191.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Global, Benchmarking? Taking a Critical Look at Sustainable Design in the U.S.”arcCA 09.3. Beyond LEED. The Journal of the AIA, California Council, (CA: aiacc-arcca, 2010), 1-3.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Case Study: German Low-Energy, Passive-House, and Plus-Energy-Buildings with Innovative Energy-Efficient Phase Changing Materials.” BESS 2010: High Performance Building Enclosures – Practical Sustainability Symposium, (Pomona, California: BESS-Publisher, 2010), 342-355.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Innovative Building Integrated, Solar-Assisted Air-Water Space Conditioning Systems with Dehumidification, and Thermo-Active Cooling Systems for Hot and Humid Climates.” SOLAR 2010 - American Society for Solar Energy (ASES), 39th Annual National Solar Conference, 35th National Passive Solar Conference, 5th Renewable Energy Policy, Advocacy and Marketing Conference. 4th Energy Sustainability Conference of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, (Phoenix, ASES-Proceedings, May 2010), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Global Benchmarking? Taking a Critical Look at Eco-Architectures.” in ECO-Architecture III - Harmonisation Between Architecture and Nature.” Volume 128. The International Journal on Ecology and the Environment, (Southhampton UK: WITPRESS, WIT-Transactions, 2010), 387-396, ISBN 1743-3541 (WIT e-library on-line).

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Zero-Fossil-Energy Powered Infrastructure and Buildings on Catalina Island in Southern California.” Ecosystems and Sustainable Development VII, The International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Vol. 122, Section 6: Sustainability development studies, (Boston: WIT Press Southampton, 2009), 293-304, doi: 10.2495/ECO090281.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Lazos de retroalimentacion y el metabolism circular par alas ciudades del future.” – MUNDANEUM 10 anos, VI Reunion Internacional de Arquitectura 2009. IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Universidad del Diseño, San Jose, FUDEU/Foundation for Urban Developments, San José, Costa Rica, Spanish-English,(IUCN: Sustainability History of Mundaneum, 2009), 84-90, NPR. (Other featured contributions by Clifford Pearson NYC, Editor Senior Architectural Record Magazine NYC; Carlos Jiménez, Houston; Emilio Ambasz Bologna-NYC; James Wines, NYC; Lars Lerup, Houston; Marcelo Danza ,Montevideo; Marcelo Ferraz, Francisco Fanucci ,Sao Paulo, Brazil; Mauricio Rojas ,Bogotá; Michael Rotondi ,L.A.; Teddy Cruz, San Diego; Federico Soriano,Madrid; Craig Hodgetts L.A.; Kenneth Masden, San Antonio; Charles Waldheim, H Harvard, Boston; Michael Sorkin, NYC).

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “E.U. Energy Performance Certificate Post-Occupancy-Evaluation - Case Studies.” Proceeding PLEA 2009- Architecture Energy and the Occupant's Perspective. 26th Intl. Conference - The Passive and Low Energy Architecture, (Québec City: Canada, PLEA Publisher, 2009), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “ZERO-FOSSIL-ENERGY POWERED INFRASTRUCTURE AND BUILDINGS ON CATALINA ISLAND IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA.” Seventh International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, (Chianciano Terme, Italy, WIT-Press, WIT-e-library, July 2009), 293-304.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Large-Scale Infrastructure and Architecture C02 Reduction Implementation Case Study, Santa Catalina Island.” 2nd Intl. Conference on Energy and Sustainability, (Bologna, Italy, WIT-Press, WIT-e-library, 2009), 12 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, Aran Osborne and Marc Schiler. “Landscape and Energy Efficiency: Development of a Computer Based Tool to Aid in the Design of Landscape to Reduce Energy Consumption in Low-Rise Residential Buildings.” The PLEA 2009 Conference Proceedings, Poster and Paper Presentation, (Québec City, Canada, PLEA Publisher, 2009), 9 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, Anupam Jain, Karen Kensek and Farnoush Banaei-Kashani. “Development and validation of a U-BIM Model to mitigate the Heat Island Effect.” The PLEA 2009 Conference Proceedings, Poster and Paper Presentation, (Québec City, Canada, PLEA Publisher, 2009), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “POE, EMS, and Building Energy Performance Certificate Implementation at USC, L.A.” Certification Tools, (The PLEA 2009 Conference Proceedings, Québec City, Canada, 2009), 611-618.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Solar architectural site alignment strategies for performance-based design.” in EUROSOLAR Sun and Sense 2008. 7th International European Conference on Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, European Association for Renewable Energy, Bau-welt Magazine, dena German Energy Agency, German Federal Ministry for Transport, Buildings and Urban Affairs, the World Council for Renewable Energy, (Berlin: Eurosolar 2008), 904-944.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Case Study: Innovative Phase Changing Materials in Solar Architecture.” Proceedings Material Matters, ACSA Fall Conference 2008, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, (USC, USA: ACSA, 2008), 404-410.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “EMS–Post-Occupancy-Monitoring and Building Energy Passport Implementation for the USC School of Architecture, L.A.” Solar 2008 Conference, ASES, American Solar Energy Society, (San Diego, USA: ASES-Proceedings, 2008), 611-618.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Creating a Sustainable Infrastructure and Zero-Fossil-Energy-Buildings for Santa Catalina Island.” Solar 2008 Conference, ASES, American Solar Energy Society, (San Diego, USA: ASES-Proceedings, 2008), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Solar Powered Zero-Fossil-Energy-Buildings and Infrastructures for Catalina Island in Southern California.” Proceedings, 7th Intl Conference Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, “Sun and Sense”, (European Commission, Bruessel-Berlin, 2008), 12 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas and Andrew Lee. “A Comparative Study of Bioclimatic Indicators in Southern California Native Plant Species and Architectural Site Alignment Strategies for Performance-Based Design.” Proceedings, (Solar 2008 Conference, ASES, San Diego, 2008), 9 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, C Loghmani, R. Knowles and D. Noble, “Solar Access is Possible within the Constraints of Existing High FAR (Floor-Area-Ratio) Zoning in Downtown Los Angeles.” Proceedings, (Solar 2008 Conference, ASES, San Diego, USA, 2008), 8 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, J. Cleveland, J. Guh and J. Dombrowa. “The Structural testing and potential applications for renewable bio-based composite materials in architecture.” Proceedings, (Solar 2008 Conference, ASES, American Solar Energy Society, San Diego, 2008), 9 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, J. Basbagil, G. Schierle and S. Nutt. “Fiber reinforced Phenol foam’s Structural Response to Moisture and Thermal Stress.” Proceedings, (3th European Conference on Composite Materials, Stockholm, Sweden, EU, 2008), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, J. Basbagill, G. Schierle and S. Nutt. “Structural Properties and Sustainable Assessment of Fiber Reinforced Phenol Foam.” Proceedings, (5th Intl Conference, ACMBS-V, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, USA, 2008), 7 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, S.H.E. Lin, and M. Schiler. “A building energy consumption simulation toward the application of sustainable design strategies. Case Study: Watt Hall.” Proceedings, (Virtual Building and Generative Design, the UK Oxford Conference, 2008), 10 pgs.

Jeerage, A., Thomas Spiegelhalter, M. Schiler and P. La Roche. “Window Solutions for a Low Cost Housing Prototype for Tijuana, Mexico.” Proceedings, (Solar 2008 Conference, ASES, American Solar Energy Society, San Diego, USA, 2008), 6 pgs.

Buntine, C., M. Schiler, Thomas Spiegelhalter and M. Milne. “Zero Peak Residential Electric Demand: An Evaluation of Strategies for Eliminating Peak Residential Demand in California Climate Zone 10.” Proceedings (SOLAR 2007, ASES, Cleveland, Ohio, 2007), 6 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, J. Ritter-Lopatowski and F. Browand. “Wind Turbine Integration: A Study of Building Shape and Orientation for Peak Power Generation.” Proceedings, (SOLAR 2007 ASES, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2007), 9 pgs.

S. Brahmbhatt, M. Schiler, T. Spiegelhalter, D. Noble “Thermal Comfort Performance Study of the Frank Lloyd Wright Freeman House", Proceedings, SOLAR 2006 ASES Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, (2006).

Th. Spiegelhalter, “Towards Passive, Adaptive Zero-Fossil-Energy-Buildings”, Proceedings, 10th Intl. Congress, Hanover, Germany (2006)

Th. Spiegelhalter, G. Honlez. “The Metropolitan Los Angeles as Laboratory for the Solar City and Power Station of the Future”, Proceedings Solar World Congress 2005, Intl. Solar Energy Society Conference, Orlando, FL, USA ( 2005)

Thomas Spiegelhalter, Guillermo Honlez ,“Los Angeles Solar City of the Future,” 1st Intl. Solar Cities Congress ISCC, Daegu, Korea, UNEP United Nations Environment Programme, ISES, ISCI, World Council Renewable Energy (2004)

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “The Multi-Hybrid Home for the Rich and Poor in the Information Age.” Congreso Internacional Sobre La Vivienda Dei Futuro - Proceedings 3rd International Congress of the Asociación Nacional para la Vivienda del Futuro (ANAVIF), edited by Luís De Garrido, (Barcelona, Spain ANAVIF Publisher, 2003), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Towards Solar-Zero-Fossil-Energy-Urban-Infrastructures.” International GREEN MUNDANEUM 2003 Symposium, Universidad del Desino, (San Jose, CR Architects Association, 2003), 6 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Involucri Energetici – Energetic Envelopes.” in Sostenibla Dei Progetti E Nuevo Technologia Nei Paesaggi Urbani E Postindustriali, Atti Del Convegno, ARAEN Agenzia Regione Abruzzo l’Energia, Programma Comumitario, (Italy: DiTAC, Sala editori s.a.s, 2003), 113-118, 177-178.

Th. Spiegelhalter, “Congreso Internacional Sobre La Vivienda Dei Futuro - The Multi-Hybrid Home for the Rich and Poor in the Information Age,” Proceedings, 3rd Intl. Congress, ANAVIF, Barcelona, Spain, (2003)

Thomas Spiegelhalter “Towards Solar-Zero-Fossil- Energy-Urban-Infrastructures”, GREEN MUNDANEUM 2003 Symposium, Intl. Symposium in Costa Rica, San Jose, CR Architects Association, Universidad del Desino, (2003)

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Towards Zero-Energy-Urban-Infrastructures.” in Resource Architecture”, UIA Berlin 2002 XXI World Main Congress of Architecture - The Future of Architecture, Report and Outlook, UIA White Book 2002, Union Internationale des Architects, UIA, BDA, (Berlin-Paris-Basel-Boston-NYC: Birkhaeuser, 2002), 8, 210-213.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Building a Solar City Framework for Sustainable Communities.” Proceedings Universidad Del Desino, (San Jose, Costa Rica, 2001), 18 pgs., NPR.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Solar Cities of Tomorrow –with or without the U.S.” Proceedings, International da-Vin-Ci Architecture Symposium, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany, (Darmstadt: Da-Vin-Ci, 2001), 6 pgs.

Spiegelhalter Thomas, F., Di. and De M. “Thomas Spiegelhalter- Architectura, Ecocompa-libilita e sintesi tra architettura e arte, Edifici e serre per una nuova politica urbana.” (Abiotarea, Italy, 2000), 6 pgs., NPR.

P. Drecker, D. Fuerst, T.Spiegelhalter, “NEW PARK-VISIONS NEED SPACE: Visions and scenarios for development concepts for investors of new sustainable industrial and business parks in the Emscher Lippe Region”, Düsseldorf, (2000).

Th. Spiegelhalter “Solar City - Subtask C: Urban renewable energy technology and industry development”, Intl. Energy Agency, SHC Task 30, Solar City Program, 3rd Intl. Solar City Workshop, The Hague, The Netherlands, (2000).

Th. Spiegelhalter, "Visionen zur Abraumfoerderbruecke Boehlen II im Tagebau Zwenkau”, Publisher SL Suedraum Leipzig GmbH, Dachverein Mitteldeutsche Strasse der Braunkohle, Germany, (1999)

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, P. Drecker and A. Wolf. “Feasibility study for the environmental site evaluation and reactivation of abandoned industrial areas for the new urban development in the Ruhr Valley.” EW, (Ruhrgebiet, Germany: Oestliches, 1998), 63 pgs., NPR.

Th. Spiegelhalter.”Solar Experimental Architecture“, V Encuentro Internacional de Arquitectura -UDLAPuebla, EXPERI- MENTA V, Encuentro Internacional de Arquitectura e Interiores, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, México (1998)

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Niedrigenergiehaeuser im Vergleichstest: Solare Doppelstadthaueser (Low-Energy-Buildings in Comparison Test – Solar Town Houses). (Zuerich-Paris-Milan-New York: WEKA Baufachverlag, 1998),1-7.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Solar Hybrids - Tecnologia e decostruzione” in Architettura e leggerezza-Il significato del peso nella costruzione, Architecture and Lightness – The significance of weight in buildings.” Strumenti, Ambiente Territorio, Edilizia Urbanistica, Aldo Capasso, (Italy: Rimini, Aldo Capasso, Maggioli Editore, 1998), 2, 12, 118, 119-125.

Thomas Spiegelhalter, P. Drecker and A. Wolf. “Feasibility study for the environmental site evaluation and reactivation of abandoned industrial areas for the new urban development in the Ruhr Valley.” (Germany: EW Oestliches Ruhrgebiet, 1998), 48 pgs., NPR.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas and J. Dittus. “Examples of Landscape Architecture J. Dittus with Thomas Spiegelhalter.” in Landschaftsarchitekten -Landscape Architecture in Germany.” (Wiesbaden: H.M. Nelte Verlag, 1997), 134-135.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Klimawerkzeug Architektur, Solarenergieformen in der Umweltgestaltung.” Oekologische, ökonomische und soziale Aspekte der Energieerzeugung aus regenerativen Energien (Ecological, economic and social aspects of energy harvesting from renewables), Conference proceedings, (Umweltinstitut Leipzig, Germany, 1995), 9 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Fassadenintegrierte Photovoltaik- u. Informationssysteme” in Section: TERRATEC ‘94, Energie-Energieökonomisches Bauen, Energy - Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Umweltinnovationen (International Trade Fair and Conference for Environmental Innovations), Messe Leipzig and Bundesministerium fuer Umweltschutz, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit Bonn, (Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner Verlag, 1994), 95-109.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas and Wilfried Lewitzki. “Innovative Holzbauweisen fuer den Wohnungsbau.“ (Düsseldorf, Germany: Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Holz e.V., 1993), 18 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Gravel Pit Architecture, Karl-Hofer-Preis 1990” in Karl-Hofer-Symposium 1990, University of the Arts Berlin, (Berlin: Colloquium Verlag, 1991), 21-24.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Sabliere, Drop-off II, Kieswerk IN SITU, Espace Vert, Pelouse des Ciments d’Origny“ in Les Ateliers Du Sundgau Nr.1, De Tout Bois-Installations-Expositions, CRAC, Centre Regional D´Art Contemporain Alsac, (France: Mulhousse, Catalogue, 1990), 31-38.

Book: CRUNCH DESIGN RESEARCH - Food, Water, Energy Nexus. Volume 4 - Carbon Positive Island High-Rise Clusters, Author Thomas Spiegelhalter, pp. 230, 1a Edizione 2020, Nuova Serie di Architettura, FrancoAngeli, Milano (ISBN: 9788891792, TBA), published in September 2021 for the Venice Biennale Event or later, TBA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_BwfJ-Rvc0&t=7s


Andia, A., Spiegelhalter, Thomas. Parametric Automation in Design and Construction. (ARTECH HOUSE Publisher, London, U.K). 300 pgs., ISBN-10: 1608076938


Peer Reviewed Journals and Research Papers (authored and co-authored):

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. "Performance-Based, AI-ML-Assisted Generative EA Design with Bio-Inspired Topological Optimisations of a 50m, 3D-Printed Steel Bridge." International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research 12, no. 3 (2023): 63-67. doi: 10.18178/ijscer.12.3.63-67.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. "Towards Climate-Resilient Blue-Green Cities: Integrating AI, Machine Learning, and Synthetic Biology" and "Transition to Carbon-Neutrality: A Study of Urban Sustainability in Kigali, Rwanda." International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research (IJSCER) 2023. To be presented at the 3rd World Conference on Sustainability, Energy and Environment, December 8-13, 2023, Berlin, Germany.www.steconf.org.

Lehmann, S., Spiegelhalter, T. "Confronting Urban Challenges: A Vision for the Future." Journal of Urban Planning and Development (2023).

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, and Liss C. Werner. "Methods for In Silico Environmental Resilience, 2019 to 2100." Sustainable Built Environment D-A-CH Conference - Built Environment within Planetary Boundaries. sbe22 Berlin. Hosted by Natural Building Lab of TU Berlin in cooperation with KIT Karlsruhe, ETH Zürich, and TU Graz. September 2022.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, and Others. "Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices for Carbon Positive City Scenarios." In ARCC-EAAE 2022 International Conference: Resilient City: Physical, Social, and Economic Perspectives. Miami: ARCC-EAAE, March 2022. Hosted by FIU. Conference Details.

Del Borghi, Adriana, Thomas Spiegelhalter, Luca Moreschi, and Michela Gallo. "Carbon-Neutral-Campus Building: Design Versus Retrofitting of Two University Zero Energy Buildings in Europe and in the United States." Sustainability 13, no. 16 (2021): 9023. doi: 10.3390/su13169023. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/16/9023.

Lepratti, C., Morbiducci, R., Spiegelhalter, T., Vite, C. "A Smart Village Model for the Italian Coastal Territory and Considerations on Sea Level Rise and the Future of Our Coastal Cities." Presentation at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP26, Glasgow, November 2021.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, and L. N. S. Juhasz. "Genetic Water-Energy-Food Nexus Design Research for Miami’s Greater Islands." In 2021 International Conference: 27th World Congress of Architects. 2021, pp. 994-998.

Andia, A., and Spiegelhalter, Thomas. "Automating Design and Construction: The Emergence of Offsite Manufacturing." In Proceedings of the ACSA 108 Annual Conference. San Diego, California, March 12-14, 2020.

Andia, A., and Spiegelhalter, Thomas. "Biological Imaginations for the Biscayne Bay Estuary." In Proceedings of the ACSA 108 Annual Conference. San Diego, California, March 12-14.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas, and Others. "Part 1: The Integrated Decision Support System-Generative and Synthetic Biological Design Imaginations for the Miami Bay Area." In Anthropologic: Architecture and Fabrication in the Cognitive Age - Proceedings of the 38th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, edited by L. Werner and D. Koering, 11-20. Berlin, Germany: TU Berlin, September 16-18, 2020. eCAADe Proceedings.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. "Carbon-Neutral High-Rise Envelope Nexus: Generative Design and Engineering for Extreme Subtropical Climates." In Proceedings of the 2020 World Conference on Facade Tectonics. Los Angeles, CA: World Conference on Facade Tectonics, 2020.

Articles in Professional Magazines (by Thomas Spiegelhalter):

Th. Spiegelhalter, “ENVIRO-DESIGN: Adaptable Technology - Future Housing, Bridging The Gap Between Design and Technology.” U.S. ARCHI-TECH Residential Magazine (2003), pg 4, 48-49.

Th. Spiegelhalter, “Architects without borders – German architects in foreign countries. Part 7: USA, Report and analysis“, Deutsches Architektenblatt (German Chamber of Architects Professional Magazine, Ausgabe 4), (2003).

Th. Spiegelhalter, “Focus on USA: Towards Zero-Energy-Urban-Infrastructures, Suburban Growth and Environmental Injustice in USA,” reFOCUS, International Renewable Energy Magazine, International Solar Energy Society (ISES), Oxford, UK, (2001), pg. 22-25.


Thomas Spiegelhalter, Levente Juhaz, Book: CRUNCH 2018-202 - Book Chapter: “Genetic Water-Energy-Food Nexus Design Research for Miami’s Greater Islands - Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices (CRUNCH) - Scripting and Coding AI-ML’s.” Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Book, US. Edited by Claire Coulter, Alessandro Melis, and Julia Brown, UK, published 2022.


Spiegelhalter, Thomas and Marjanov Wasa. Architektur-Kiste (Architecture Box), (German, English), 5 Bde., Sondereinband, (Darmstadt, Germany: Juergen Haeusser Verlag, 1999), 182 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas et al. Intelligent Buildings - Klimawerkzeug Architektur, Entwurfsprojekte der Architekturfakultaet Kaiserslautern, Foreword and Editing Thomas Spiegelhalter, (German, English), (Darmstadt, Germany: Juergen Haeusser Verlag, 1992), 63 pgs.



Cuadra, Manuel. “Visionen zur Karl-Marx -Allee Berlin.” German Architect Chamber and German Architecture Museum Frankfurt, (Hamburg: Junius, 1997), 4 pgs.

Klaus Dieter NeumaIBAnn. “Neue deutsche Landschaft.” Ausstellungskatalog (Exhibition catalog), (München: Kleiber-Wurm, 1997), 2 pgs.

Schneider, A. “Solar Architecture for Europe.” Kieswerkarchitektur Thomas Spiegelhalter, European Union Commission, The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU, (Basel-Boston-Berlin: Birkhaeuser, 1997), 70-71.

Burgard, R., A. Gaiser, et al. “Aus zwei mach Drei, Dialog zwischen Lehre und Praxis.” (Magistrat Stadt Frankfurt, 1996) Manuel Cuadra, Rolf Toyka "Raumobjekte in der gebauten Schulumwelt.” Wüstenrot Stiftung, HISS, (Stuttgart: Klettverlag, 1996), 13 pgs.

Ganser, Karl and Thomas Sieverts. “Architektur für den Strukturwandel, Baukultur in einer alten Industrieregion.” Internationale Bauausstellung Emscher Park IBA, (Gelsenkirchen: IBA, 1996), 3 pgs..

König, K.W. “Handbuch zur Regenwassernutzung in der Architektur, Oekologische Konzepte.” Solar Cultural Center Breisach, Thomas Spiegelhalter, (Germany: Staufen Ökobuch-Verlag, 1996), 44-47, 229.

Meyer-Bohe, Walter. “Energiesparhäuser: Eine neue Generation von Gebäuden.” Niedrigenergiehaus Niederrimisningen, Architektur-Skulptur Breisach, (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt DVA, 1996), 30-31, 68-70, 78-79, 143.

Fehlhaber, J. M. “Metapher Beton - oder die Rettung der Architektur.” Cover Design Solar Cultural Center Breisach, (Duesseldorf: Betonverlag, 1995), 2 pgs.

Cerver, F. A. “Architectural Houses O1- Architecture and Interior Design of Houses.” Thomas Spiegelhalter, Special Buildings, Ediciones Atrium International, Volume 01, (Barcelona: S.A. Ediciones Atrium International, 1994), 60-71.

Mund, Hilmar. “Endzeit Architektur - Architektur als Spiegel unserer Zeit.” (München-New York: Prestel Verlag, 1994), 1 pgs.

Klemp, Klaus. “Ansichten, Standpunkte der Architekturfotografie.“ (Mainz: Verlag Hermann Schmidt, 1994), 2 pgs.

O. Humm and P. Toggweiler. “Photovoltaic and Architecture - The Integration of Photovoltaic Cells in Building Envelopes.” Research programme 'Photovoltaics in Buildings', International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris, France. (English, Italian, French, German), (Basel-Boston-Berlin: Birkhaeuser, 1993), 50-54.

Reiners, Holger. “Neue Einfamilienhäuser (New Residential Houses).“ (Muenchen: Callwey Verlag, 1993), 6 pgs.

Scarpa, Ludwing. “Mythos Berlin: Konturen, Anmerkungen zu einem Wettbewerb.“ First Prize Mauerwettbewerb Thomas Spiegelhalter, (Berlin: Ästhetik Kommunikation, 1987), 2 pgs.






Spiegelhalter, Thomas. "Generative AI-Synbio Blue-Green-Structures 2023-2100, FIU Carbon-Positive Design (CBC)." In Time-Space-Existence. Venice 2023 Architecture Biennial. European Cultural Centre (ECC). ISBN/EAN 9789082943474, pp. 340-341. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_BwfJ-Rvc0&t=7s



Book: CRUNCH DESIGN RESEARCH - Food, Water, Energy Nexus. Volume 3 - Carbon Positive 2020-2100, Author Thomas Spiegelhalter, pp. 230, 1a Edizione 2020, Nuova Serie di Architettura, FrancoAngeli, Milano (ISBN: 9788891792921), published. Link to publisher and project authors:


Studio Thomas Spiegelhalter + Associates

Over the past weekend, the impactful work of our nationally ranked FIU School of Architecture research faculty and students was highlighted on CBS Saturday Morning News. The feature showcased the innovative projects of our Robotics + Digital Fabrication Lab, our Doctor of Design students, and our renowned faculty. Professor Thomas Spiegelhalter’s architecture students at the FIU School of Architecture studied how rising sea levels could affect the future of South Florida infrastructures during the hurricane season. In his interview with CBS, he described how his students used artificial intelligence to plan future cities, including design scenarios of floating and stilt buildings with resilient green-blue infrastructures up to the year 2100. These designs demonstrated metropolises and structures that mimic natural shapes to withstand future hurricane storms and impacts from erosion. Directed by Dr. Shahin Vassigh, the Robotics and Digital Fabrication Lab was dedicated to advancing the built environment through technological innovation. Dr. Vassigh and post-doctoral candidate Sara Pezeshk researched the use of 3-D printing to develop bio-tiles that could reduce coastal erosion and counteract the negative impacts of sea-level rise. The efforts by the FIU School of Architecture supported FIU’s Distinction for Environmental Resilience and collaborated with community organizations to develop and implement solutions-centered initiatives focused on sustainable cities and communities, particularly for South Florida during the hurricane season. To learn more about the CBS article, visit the links in our bio! https://www.instagram.com/p/C7zvAy_vn7E/ and https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-architects-prepare-hurricane-season-future-storms-invest-now-or-pay-later/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h
International "Environmental Governance for Climate Resilience Conference" at National Taiwan University with Alessandro Melis and others (See conference agenda). Contribution was on "THE TRIGGERING EXAMPLE OF MIAMI, FLORIDA." Nov. 10th-11th, 2020. GIS convention centre, Fudeken restoration park, Taiwan.
CRUNCH DESIGN RESEARCH - Food, Water, Energy Nexus. Volume 2 - Net-Zero High-Rises, Author Thomas Spiegelhalter, pp. 188, 1a Edizione 2021, Nuova Serie di Architettura, FrancoAngeli, Milano (ISBN: 9788835111177), published.


Thomas Spiegelhalter. Book: Facade Tectonics World Conference Los Angeles 2020. Book Chapter: “Carbon-Neutral High-Rise Envelope Nexus - Generative Design and Engineering for Extreme Subtropical Climates.” Facade Tectonics 2020 World
 Congress Fall Facade Tectonics Institute, 2020.




The first day of the Smart City Expo Miami (SCEM23) featured a notable panel discussion, moderated by Marilys Nepomechie and including Sara Pezeshk, Biayna Bogosian, and Thomas Spiegelhalter. The event, captured by photographer Tere Garcia, brought together global leaders in sustainable community development. The expo, organized by Bernardo Scheinkman, Architect, Urban Planner, and CEO at Smart Cities Americas, was a significant gathering for those at the forefront of smart city innovation and sustainable urban planning." For more information, click here.


Book Information: Automation, a mixture of algorithms, robots, software, and avatars, is transforming all types of jobs and industries. This book responds to one critical question for the design and construction industry: "how are architects, engineers, and contractors using information technology to further automate their practices?" Addressing the use of new digital technologies, particularly parametric automation for design and construction in the building industry, this book looks at how technologically advanced architectural and engineering practices are semi-automating their design processes by using sophisticated algorithms to transform their workflows. The book also documents a set of firms that are further advancing automation by using pre-fabrication, modularization, and custom designs via robotics. Market Engineers; Architects; Building Designers; Construction Managers; Contractors; & Developers Amazon link:

Vassigh, Shahin, Ebru Özer and Thomas Spiegelhalter. “Best Practices in Sustainable Building Design + Interactive Learning Environment.” Book and Interactive DVD, (Fort Lauderdale, USA: J. Ross Publishers Inc., 2012), 280 pgs.
Lepratti C.1, Morbiducci R. 1, Spiegelhalter T. 2, Vite C. 1 1 University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy 2 Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA. Presentation at the United Nations on Climate Change Conference, COP26 in Glasgow: “A smart village model for the Italian coastal territory and Considerations on Sea Level Rise and the Future of Our Coastal Cities, November 2021.



Th. Spiegelhalter, “Unternehmen Umwelt - Freiburger Solarenergie Fuehrer”, Publisher EPA, City of Freiburg, (1999).

Th. Spiegelhalter, “Klimawerkzeug Architektur - Grundsatz Ueberlegungen zum Solaren Bauen,“ Intelligente Architektur, Zeitschrift für Architektur, Gebäudetechnik, Facility Management, AIT, Verlagsanstalt A. Koch GmbH, Stuttgart, (1999).

Th. Spiegelhalter, “Gerettet, Umnutzung einer stillgelegten Förderbrücke in Klettwitz, Niederlausitz”, AIT Architektur Forum, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau, Verlagsanstalt Alexander Koch GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany, (1998), pg. 30-31.

Th. Spiegelhalter, “Variables Wohnen- In der Bewegung denken, radikales recycling, die Wiederverwertbarkeit von Material, Konstruktion und verbrauchter Landschaft,” LEONARDO Magazin, Architektur, Neuen Medien, Munich, (1997), pg. 32-34.

Th. Spiegelhalter,“Modulares Konzept: Low-Cost Prototyp Entwicklung Solare Doppelwohnhäuser Ihringen“, Intelligente Architektur, Architekturzeitschrift, AIT Spezial 5, Verlagsanstalt Alexander Koch GmbH Stuttgart, Germany, (1996), pg. 2, 31-35.

Th. Spiegelhalter, “Lebensmittel Wohnung -Europäischer Architektentag Trier 1993, Aufsatz: Experimentalbauten der Zukunft“, Deutsches Architektenblatt, (1994), pg. 237-301

Th. Spiegelhalter, “Form und Farbe in der Architektur,“ Das Deutsche Malerblatt, Munich, Germany, (1994), pg. 18-26

Th. Spiegelhalter, W, Lewitzki “HOLZRAHMENBAU: Modifizierte Holzrahmenkonstruktionen, Experimentalprojekt Wohngewerbeanlage in Rackwitz bei Leipzig“, Baufachzeitschrift Neue Bundesländer, Dresden, Germany, (1993), pg. 5-9

Reviews of Built Research Work in Professional Magazine (Selected about Thomas Spiegelhalter):

Pearson, Clifford A. “Necessary Architecture: Mundaneum in Nicaragua”, International MUNDANEUM 2013: VIII REUNIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE ARQUITECTURA NECESARIA, Off the Record Blog - Architectural Record, Granada, Nicaragua, (June 13-15, 2013).

FIU unknown. “FIU Haiti Initiative 2012 - FIU's sustained response in Haiti: A report of FIU’s activities.” In: Rebuilt Haiti Competitions, Contributions of the Architecture Graduate Students of Prof. Thomas Spiegelhalter and Prof. Robert Gonzales, (Miami: FIU-ISSUU Magazine, January 10, 2012), 4. Accessed on Febuary 15, 2012.

Pearson, Clifford A. “Innovative Architecture School Closes in Costa Rica.” UniDis Bi-annual Mundaneum Symposium, International practitioners and academics Michael Sorkin, Craig Hodgetts, Lars Lerup, and Thomas Spiegelhalter, (Architectural Record Professional Magazine, August 5, 2009), 1pg.

Bernstein, Mark. “Sciences News: Challenges To Environmentally Responsible Energy Use In Today's Society.” Science Daily, (November 22, 2008), 2 pgs.

Bernstein, Mark. “Watt Now?” A magazine of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, (November 1, 2008), 2 pgs.

Stiftung, Sto. “Berlin 2050: Reurbanisierung und nachhaltiges Bauen in Zeiten des Klimawandels - Interview mit Prof. Thomas Spiegelhalter.“ STO-Magazine, (2006), 3 pgs.

Pearson, Clifford A. and Deborah Snoonian. “DESIGN VANGUARD 2003, 10 young firms reshaping the globe.” Architectural Record Magazine, (2003), 55, 64-68.
Wonen, P. “En ondertussen- Thomas Spiegelhalter , Duitsland.” Tijdschrift Duurzaam Bouwen, (2003).

Mart, Angela. “Viva ecolóicamente: Alvaro Rojas y Thomas Spiegelhalter…” La República San Jose, (2001).

Fraenkel, M. “Seebruecke-Zeitbruecke, Industrie u. Archaeologiepark Zwenkau.” Publisher SL Leipzig, Germany, (2000), 8-9.

Schmidt, Imma. “Die neuen Gaerten Oberhausen – Stationen der Landesgartenschau 1999.” Fachzeitschrift BDLA NW e.V. Professional Magazine of German Landscape Architects, (1999), 24-26.

Overman, Eric and J. Paardekooper. ”Sustainable Building, Experimental housing - T. Spiegelhater, Magazine on Ecology in the building process.” The Hague European issue, Duurzaam Bouwen, (1998), 2 pgs.

Valentina, Gabriella Daddi. “Fotovoltaico e architettura—Scede di progetti, Solar Town Houses a Friburgo, Architteto Thomas Spiegelhalter.” COSTRUIRE Dossier, (1998), 63.

Mortimer, Caroline and Lucy Fellows. “Under the sun. An outdoor exhibition of light. Designing with the sun, Solar Powered Architecture-Sculpture T. Spiegelhalter.” Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum New York City, Smithsonian Institute USA, (1998), 2 pgs.

Schmitz-Guenther, T. “Haeuser als Sonnenfaenger- Oeko-Test Thomas Spiegelhalter Haeusser.” Magazin, Heft (Edition) 3, (1998), 4 pgs.

Holl, Christian and D. Schubert. “Ökologie -Exkursion, eine Auswahl innovativer Konzepte und vorbildlicher Gebäude, Stadthaus Freiburg-Rieselfeld v. T. Spiegelhalter.” db Fachzeitschrift für Architekten und Bauingenieure, Heft (Edition) 6, (1998), 4 pgs.

Holl, Ch.. “Gratwanderung-Umnutzung der Förderbrücke in Klettwitz von Thomas Spiegel-halter.” db Deutsche Bauzeitung - Zeitschrift für Architekten und Bauingenieure, (1998), 2 pgs.

Juergens, K. “Umnutzung einer stillgelegten Foerderbruecke in Klettwitz, Niederlausitz.” Architekturzeitschrift AIT Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau, Verlagsanstalt Alexander Koch, Heft 6, (Edition), (1998), 30.

Kugel, C. “ARCHITECTURE AND ECOLOGY- Experimental housing project in Freiburg, Germany, Thomas Spiegelhalter.” Cover Thomas Spiegelhalter Freiburg Housing, THE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW, (April 1998), 1, 21-26.

Drecker, P. “Projekte von Los Angeles bis Berlin, Lärmschutzwall im Technologiepark Moers - Kunst statt Lärm von Thomas Spiegelhalter.” Zeitschrift für Landschaftsarchitektur, Garten + Landschaft, (April 4, 1998), 2 pgs..

Bunte. “Menschen + Kultur, Architekten von Platz 1-50 (Ranking Top 50 Architects in Germany).“ BUNTE Magazin, Heft 44, (October 1997), 23,76.

Schweer, Ulrike. “Oekologische Bauweise: Wer wagt gewinnt - vom Luftschloss zum Geschaeftshaus (Ecological buildings: Who takes risks wins - from the blue sky buildings to the serious business house).“ Deutsche Bahn DB Magazin, ZUG -Fuer Menschen unterwegs (German Railways magazine – For traveling people), (August 1997), 28-34.

Frei, Fritz. “HOUSES – Solar Gain, Breisach, Germany, Thomas Spiegelhalter.” Cover: Thomas Spiegelhalter Breisach Housing, THE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW, London UK-USA, (April 1996), 1, 13-17.

RTV, BHW. “Bauen&Wohnen: Hier baut schon die Zukunft - Architekt Professor Thomas Spiegelhalter (Buildings and Living: Here is the future – Architect Professor Thomas Spiegelhalter“, rtv-Fernsehmagazin (r+v Television Magazine, Germany), (March 1994), 9-13.

Cuadra, Manuel. “Architekturszene: Recycling in Bauwesen und Architektur, Radikales Recycling -Arbeiten von Thomas Spiegelhalter.” Deutsches Architektenblatt, Offizielles Organ der Bundesarchitektenkammer, No. 7, (July 1993), 209-214.

Sieverts, Thomas and Manuel Cuadra. “Recycling in Bauwesen und Architektur - Reihenhäuser einer Siedlung in Niedrigenergiebauweise.” Deutsches Architektenblatt, Offizielles Organ der Bundesarchitektenkammer, (1993), 13-18

Loriers, M.-C. “Nature and artifice - Thomas Spiegelhalter, Magazine, Techniques & Architecture.” Architectur Vivante-Living architecture International Review of Architecture and Design (1993), 104-111.

Fröhlich, B. and Wolfgang Scherer. “Architektur Skulptur Breisach, Kunst-Architektur, Architektur-Kunst.” DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift, Issue 5, (May 1993), 767-773.

Panaroma, Joachim Ritter. “Experimental Architecture, Beryl A, Futuristisch-virtuelle Architekturinstallation Thomas Spiegelhalter.” DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift, (March 1993), 304.

Strobel, R. “Thomas Spiegelhalter, Architektur in der Kiesgrube.” Leonardo-Magazin Architektur, (1993), 11-16

Schulenburg, W. Scherer. “Konzepte: Architektur- Skulpturen von Thomas Spiegelhalter 1991-1992.” Konzept, Form, Energie, Deutsche Bauzeitschrift, (April 1992), 458-465.

Oswald, H. P. “Fraktale Architektur.” Aktuell, VFA Profil, Das Architekturmagazin, (Febuary 1992), 41-46

Author unknown, “Erster Preis: Internationaler Wettbewerb zur behutsamen Verstädterung der Berliner Mauer als Eis-Mauer.” Bauwelt Magazin, Edition No. 11- 12, (1988), 6.

Juckl, L. “Schinkelwettbewerb 1985/86: Märkisches Viertel, Schinkelpreis in der Fachsparte Kunst und Bauen.” Katalog: Schinkelstiftung Architekten Ingenieur Verein zu, (1987), 8-1.

Reviews of Spiegelhalter Work in Newspapers (Selected)

James Hellegard. “FIU and Tsinghua University students team up for Solar Decathlon China 2013”, FIU Newsletter, Miami, March 18, 2013.

Gonzales, Andrea M. “Resultado de Concurso Internacional - Fundecor ya tiene diseño para su nueva sede.” La Nacion – Aldea Global, (San Jose, Costa Rica, October 23, 2012), 5.

Martin Haro. “Building for the Future – FIU students compete to built country’s best solar-powered house.” FIU Newsletter, Miami, August 26, 2010.

Bernstein, Marc. “USC Expands Green Courses and Programs.“ Azo-CleanTech News, Warriewood, Austra-lia, (December 11, 2008). Accessed December 28, 2008.

Nelson, Shane. “USC heats up for the Solar Decathlon.” Los Angeles Times, (August 31, 2003).

Lowry, Patricia. “Places: Finding beauty and meaning in a post-industrial landscape.” Post-Gazette Architecture Critic, Pittsburgh, PA, (Feb 26, 2001).

Lowry, Patricia. “Point State Park renewal gets designers’ attention.” Post Gazette Architecture Critic, Pittsburgh, PA, (Nov. 2, 2001).

Mart, Angela. In: “Viva ecolóicamente: Alvaro Rojas y Thomas Spiegelhalter intercambian ideas sobre la bio-construcci ó en el mundo.” La República, San Jose, Costa Rica, (January 11, 2001), 7.

Rosenblum, Charles. “Sunny Outlook - CMU students envision solar-powered homes of the future.” Pittsburgh City Paper, (2001).

Ac. In: “Praezisionsarbeit nach Mitternacht: Laatzens Haupstrasse hat endlich ihre Bruecke —Wie ein Ballett in Zeitlupe.” Leine-Nachrichten, (Leine News), Germany, No. 161, (July 2000), 1, 13.

Thomas, Mary. “Watson Festival at CMU honors artists’ multidisciplinary daring.” Post-Gazette Art Critic, Pittsburgh, PA, (September 13, 1999).

Janzing, Bernward. “Brennpunkt Alltag: Fuer Solaranlagen gibt es billige Kredite.“ Badische Zeitung, Freiburg, Germany, (May 22, 1997).

Ehrenteich. “Mischwerk: Eine Kunstskulptur mit industrieller Vergangenheit-die aelteste Kiesabfuellanlage Badens.“ Badische Zeitung, Freiburg, Germany, (June 1999), 9,25.

Wolfgang Goeckl. “Showtime im Betonwerk.” Dossier: Dreiland-Zeitung fuer Suedwestdeutschland, Frankreich /Haut-Alsace-Nordwestschweiz, Redaktion Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg, No. 19, Jahrgang 9. (May 5, 1999), 10-11.

Passlick, Tonio. “Industrie-Denkmal, Kulturmaschine, Kunstlandschaft Kies: Ein heiszes politisches Eisen - Das Besondere an der Gruen 99.“ Gruen 99-Neues aus dem Dreilaendergarten, No.1. (1999), 5-7.

Rueskamp, Wulf. “Landschaft aus Kies und Wasser neuer Park an der deutsch-schweizerischen Grenze.” Badische Zeitung, (October 9, 1998), 8.

Passlick, Tonio. “Interview: Gruen 99, Kultur zum Beispiel, Kulturspielplatz Kieswerk.“ WILLA Kulturmagazin, Stadt Weil am Rhein, (October 1998), 22.

Vonmont, Anita. “Gruen 99: Erholungsraum mit starker Architektur, Treffpunkt BW: Zaha Hadid, Treppenturm: Joerg Schlaich, Transformierte Kiesabfuellanlage: Thomas Spiegelhalter.“ Basler Zeitung. Switzerland, (April 1998), 3,17.

Passlick, Tonio. “Das kuenstlerische Konzept der Gruen 99 —Kunst und Natur.“ Gruen 99-Neues aus dem Dreilaendergarten, Weil am Rhein, No.4., (November 1998), 6-7.

Karst, Wilhelm. “Haus als schoenes Abenteuer –Eine Skulptur zum Wohnen und Arbeiten (A House as a beautiful adventure – Sculpture for Living and Working).“ Dreiland-Zeitung der Basler Zeitung (Three Country Triangle Newspaper of Swiss-France-Germany, newspaper in Basel, Switzerland). Forum 7, (June 3, 1993), 15.





Spiegelhalter, Th.; Levente, J. "Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices for Carbon Positive City Scenarios" Architectural Research Centers Consortium ARCC-EAAE 2022 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN MIAMI, RESILIENT CITY and Journal Publication: Physical, Social, and Economic Perspectives, March 2022, Miami, hosted by FIU, ARCC-EAAE 2022: Resilient City, March 2-5, 2022.




Spiegelhalter, Thomas; Werner, Liss C. “Methods for in Silico Environmental Resilience, 2019 to 2100.” Sustainable Built Environment D-A-CH Conference - Built Environment within Planetary Boundaries, sbe22 Berlin. Hosted by Natural Building Lab of TU Berlin in cooperation with KIT Karlsruhe, ETH Zürich (Swiss) and TU Graz (Austria), Sept. 2022.



CRUNCH DESIGN RESEARCH - Food, Water, Energy Nexus. Volume 1 - Urban Hybrids, Authors Thomas Spiegelhalter, Darren Ockert pp. 188, 1a Edizione 2020, Nuova Serie di Architettura, FrancoAngeli, Milano (ISBN: 9788891792921), published.
Prof. Thomas Spiegelhalter presented at the Networks, Markets & People (NMP 2024) International Symposium. His lecture, titled “From Blueprint to Reality: A Design-Built Analysis of Urban Sustainability and Carbon Neutrality,” was accepted as part of the Symposium Proceedings and published in a SPRINGER book. The Symposium was organized by the UNESCO MED LAB – Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria (Italy), in collaboration with ASTRI Scientific Association and the National Italian Committee of ICOMOS, and supported by various international academic institutions and scientific societies. Key supporters included CETRAD – Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real (Portugal), NEUROLAB – DICEAM Department, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria (Italy), GRUPO ANTE – University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), and LABOREM – Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria (Italy). The Symposium took place from May 20, 2024, to May 25, 2024. For more information, please visit the Symposium website: https://www.nmp.unirc.it/?page_id=216.


In a recent research workshop event hosted at the architecturally striking Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC) of Keio University, Principal Prof. Spiegelhalter had the privilege of engaging with brilliant Ph.D. and graduate students, guided by Professor Wanglin Yan. Professor Yan served as the Director of the Research Center for Climate Change Adaptation within Keio University’s Faculty of Environmental Information Studies and was also at the helm of the EcoGIS Lab, a hub of innovation. During this event, in Spiegelhalter’s capacity as a Global Visiting Professor at Keio Universität, he had the opportunity to share insights from his extensive three-decade journey. The focus of his presentation was “Envisioning Carbon-Positive Masterplans: Green-Blue Infrastructures and Adaptive Building Scenarios from 2018-2100,” with a specific emphasis on regions spanning Europe, Africa, and the United States. In addition to his presentation, Spiegelhalter’s esteemed colleague, Takeru Shibayama from TU Vienna (Austria), brought forth valuable insights into “Goal-oriented Mobility Planning for Sustainable Urban Mobility (SUMP),” enriching our discussions with a broad spectrum of research projects. A highlight of the day was delving into Shun Nakayama’s impressive thesis, which revolves around an AI-ML-assisted interactive online Food-Water-Energy Nexus (FEW) app and platform designed for a Tokyo metropolitan district—an innovation that holds great promise for a brighter future. The workshop concluded with a visit to the Smart City Fujisawa project, a testament to sustainability, urban planning, and technology. This endeavor was a result of collaboration between the Japanese technology company Panasonic and various partners. Stay tuned for more updates as we continued our journey towards a more carbon-positive and smarter future! 🌱🏙️ #CarbonPositive #UrbanMobility #ResearchWorkshop #Sustainability #Innovation #KeioUniversity #AI #MachineLearning #FoodWaterEnergyNexus #GISMapping #ClimateChangeAdaptation #SmartCities #GreenInfrastructure #EnvironmentalDesign #Resilience #SustainableGovernance #MobilitySolutions #DigitalInnovation" For more information, click here.
Book Information: Agent-based modeling (ABM) is an emerging design and automation modeling approach in Architecture and Engineering. In the past two decades, agent-based models have been increasingly adapted by scientists and practitioners, especially in infrastructure engineering, building designs, urban, geospatial studies, as an effective paradigm for framing the underlying problems of complex and dynamic processes. Agent-based modeling (ABM) is an emerging design and automation modeling approach in Architecture and Engineering. In the past two decades, agent-based models have been increasingly adapted by scientists and practitioners, especially in infrastructure engineering, building designs, urban, geospatial studies, as an effective paradigm for framing the underlying problems of complex and dynamic processes.

Thomas Spiegelhalter, Gianmichele Panarelli, Clarissa Di Tonno. Climate Responsive Architecture / Climate change adaption and resource efficiency. Adaptation to climate change and resource efficiency. "Climate Responsive Architecture - Carbon Neutral Hybrids (FIU-D9- Miami Beach Urban Studios).” Franco Angeli Edizioni, Italy. 320 pgs., E-book (PDF) for PC, Mac, Tablet, ISBN: 9788891736628
Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Chapter 19 Towards Net-Zero-Energy Buildings In 2018.” In: Analytics for Building-Scale Sustainable Ecosystems (BSSE) – U.S. China Research Perspectives, Part IV: Green Buildings in China and US, Editor: Yong X. Tao, University of North Texas, USA, Co-Editor: Yi Jiang, Tsinghua University, China, (Publisher: Begell House, New York. Connecticut. USA, 2013), 320 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Capítulo II -Arquitectura Bioclimática (ojalá en el Trópico Húmedo) - Arq. Thomas Spiegelhalter (Chapter II Bioclimatic Architecture in the Neotropics).” Environmentally Responsible Architecture in the Neotropics, edited by Katiana Murillo and Alvaro Rojas. Other contributors: Carlos Jiménez, Rodrigo Carazo, Juan Tuk, Maureen Ballestero (Presidente of Fundecor), Mauricio Quirós, James Wines, Simón Vélez, (EAE: Editorial Académica Española, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, 2012), 10 pgs.

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Passive and Active Micro-Generation Building Systems For Cooling, and Dehumidification in Hot and Tropical Climates.” Environmental Engineering and Sustainability, ATINER (Athens Institute for Education and Research). (Athen, Greece: ATINER Publisher, 2012), 11 pgs.

Thomas Spiegelhalter: Section 6 Sustainability development studies: Zero-Fossil-Energy Powered Infrastructure and Buildings on Catalina Island in Southern California. ECOSUD 2009, Seventh International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, Essex Institute of Technology, UK, University of Siena, Italy, The International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, (WIT Press Southampton, Boston, Vol. 12, 2009), pg. 293-304

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. Circular Metabolism for the Cities of the Future. In History of Mundaneum 1999-2009, Green Mundaneum 2009, 10th International Mundaneum Symposium, San Jose, Costa Rica. Sponsor and Publisher: IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Universidad del Diseño, San Jose, FUDEU/Foundation for Urban Developments, San José, Costa Rica, Spanish-English

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Solar architectural site alignment strategies for performance-based design” in EUROSOLAR Sun and Sense 2008, 7th International European Conference on Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, European Association for Renewable Energy, Bauwelt Magazine, dena German Energy Agency, German Federal Ministry for Transport, Buildings and Urban Affairs, the World Council for Renewable Energy (Berlin: Eurosolar 2008).

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. “Involucri Energetici – Energetic Envelopes”, In “Sostenibla Dei Progetti E Nuevo Technologia Nei Paesaggi Urbani E Postindustriali”, Atti Del Convegno, ARAEN Agenzia Regione Abruzzo l’Energia, Programma Comumitario, (Italy, DiTAC, Sala editori s.a.s 2003), pg. 113-118, 177-178






Carbon-Positive Synthetical Biological Architecture Imaginations for Miami Greater Islands 2021-2100. Endless loop video installation for La Biennale di Venezia Event: The three-year Climate Resilient Urban Nexus CHoices (CRUNCH) Research Exhibition at Biennale di Venezia on 24th of September. 2021.
Professional Book Chapters (Selected by Thomas Spiegelhalter):

Spiegelhalter, Thomas. In: "First worldwide carbon-neutral design movements (Primeros movimientos mundiales de diseno con carbon neutral)." In: Mundaneum 1999-2019 (mondo nostrum), Curator: Alvaro Rojas; Editors: Federico Soriano Pelaez, Dolores Palacios Diaz, Eduardo Castillo Vinuesa. Edicion Fisuras de la cultura contempora, (Madrid, Spain, 2018), ISBN: 978-84-945932-3-9, pgs. 38-43


In a remarkable display of innovation and research, the “BIOCALIBRATED: TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR BIODESIGN PRACTICES SYMPOSIUM” at Central Saint Martins – University of the Arts London, was a hub of groundbreaking ideas and discussions. The two-day event, which ran from November 30th to December 1st, 2023, brought together leading minds in the field of biodesign. One of the highlights of the symposium was a research presentation on “SynBio-calibrated Carbon-Positive-Building Infra-Design Research”. This insightful session offered a deep dive into the potential of biodesign in transforming our infrastructure in environmentally positive ways. The symposium also featured a stimulating panel discussion in Session 7, titled “REGENERATIVE SYSTEMS AND CIRCULAR MATERIALITY”. This session was moderated by Alice Taylor, a renowned Lecturer in Biology and Living Systems. The panel included illustrious speakers like Pragati Vasant from IAAC, Ricardo Luque, Marcos Cruz, Sherru Aine, and Lola Ben-Alon from Columbia GSAPP. Their collective expertise in various facets of biodesign provided a comprehensive view of the potential of regenerative systems and circular materiality in contemporary design practices. In addition to these academic discussions, the symposium also showcased graduate projects from the FIU Design Studio, highlighting the practical applications of the theories and techniques discussed. These projects exemplified the innovative spirit of the next generation of designers and researchers." For more information, click here