
Studio Thomas Spiegelhalter + Associates

Expert and feasibility study for the "Environmental site evaluation and reactivation of abandoned industrial areas for the new urban development in the Ruhr Valley (2)" in collaboration with the studio for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Development P. Drecker, Bottrop-Hannover, and Prof. Wolf, Berlin, Germany, Client: EWA (Entwicklungsagentur Oestliches Ruhrgebiet

Urban and Landscape Design Realization Competition BGS Karlsruhe
Sports City Miami-Dade Feasibility Studies and Masterplan Proposal: Master Planner Thomas Spiegelhalter CDN LCC with Berenblum-Busch (BBA) Architects, Miami, TLC Engineering Client, EAC Consulting, Balfour Beatty Construction to serve the prime contractor, and others. Client and Developer: Sports City International, LLC, Astute Ventures LLC, Diaz-Reuz Attorneys-Solicitors, DRT Sports-Entertainment.



Expert and feasibility study for the "Environmental site evaluation and reactivation of abandoned industrial areas for the new urban development in the Ruhr Valley (1)" in collaboration with the studio for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Development P. Drecker, Bottrop-Hannover, and Prof. Wolf, Berlin, Germany, Client: EWA (Entwicklungsagentur Oestliches Ruhrgebiet)

Expert proposal for a new design of the entrance area of the Zoo in Hannover for the zoo festival in cooperation with the office for landscaping P. Drecker, Hannover, Germany

Carbon-Neutral Design Projects L.L.C


Urban and Landscape Design Realization Competition BGS Berlin-Hellersdorf



Expert Design in the satellite district Märkisches Viertel Berlin for the transformation and improvement of the high-rise buildings and infrastructures, Promoted by: GeSoBau Berlin in collaboration with the German minister for building and town planning
CRA Sustainability Planning and Design Consultation Services for the CRA/LA. (Community Redevelopment Agency City of Los Angeles), Three year projects PI’s and Principal Architects: Michael Lehrer, Mark Gangi, Thomas Spiegelhalter, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Status: In progress

Sustainable Infrastructure Assessment, and Near-Term Action Master-Plan Development for the Island of Catalina, Southern California. Developing a Vision Master Plan 2020 for Catalina Island’s infrastructure to be self-sufficient by 2020: No imports of fossil fuel and no exports of waste. Clients: Sustainability Action Group Catalina Island, Members: The Catalina Island Sustainability Action Group, Catalina Island Conservancy, Santa Catalina Island Company, City of Avalon, Catalina Chamber of Commerce, LA County, Southern California Edison, USC. PI Infrastructure: Dr. Mark Bernstein, PI Avalon Buildings: Thomas Spiegelhalter. USA. Status: In progress

​​​Urban & Landscape Design

Concept planning and realization project "Health Pyramid", of a monumental wood and recycelt steel construction in the public Health Park in Bottrop, Germany IPA International Building Exhibition Emscher Park, City Bottrop

Planning and Realization project "International Building Exhibition Emscher Park (IBA) Competition Germany", Redevelopment Project of the abandoned coal mining area in Bottrop to a public recreation park of the German Federal Garden Show (15.000 qm), "Health Park Bottrop" in collaboration with the studio for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Development P. Drecker, Berlin-Halle-Hannover-Bottrop and J. Dittus and Wolfert, Germany


Planning and Realization, project transformation of an experimental gravel pit and cement factory and landscape conversion Weil am Rhein for leisure activities and art exhibitions for the German Country Garden Show Weil am Rhein 1999 (completion), in cooperation with TÜV Southwest, promoted by the Federal Organization of the German Gravel and Sand Industry, German organization of transport concrete, Southwest-Cement Stuttgart, Country district of Baden Württemberg and the town organization of Weil a. Rh



3rd Rank: Invited (Sponsored) Competition for KRAFTWERK “Freiraumgestaltung im Umfeld des Künstlerdorfes” in Schöppingen (Artist Colony Schoeppingen) in Germany in collaboration with Landscape Architect Office Peter Drecker, Bottrop-Halle-Hannover, Germany


4th Price, International Realization Design Competition for a Landscaping & Urban Concept and Master plan of the Federal Garden Show "Le Jardin des Deux Rives" in Strasbourg, France, with J. Dittus and P. Mueller;
District 11 Strategic Development Plan, Miami. FIU-By-Design: 1. Economic Analysis and Development Recommendations; 2. General Assessment of Physical Conditions; 3. Development Guidelines. Team Management: Winifred Newman, FIU Metropolitan Center, Ned Murray; Sarah Kellerman; Kevin Greiner, Consultant; Architecture, Urban Design, Green Space Planning: Jason Chandler, Thomas Spiegelhalter, Roberto Rovira, Xia Jin. Client: District 11 Commissioner Juan C. Zapata and the Board of County Commissioners, Miami, Florida.
Development of a 42-hectare Vision City Phase 2 Smart City in Kigali, Rwanda, carbon-neutral master planning and realisation. Studio Spiegelhalter’s contributions are centred on integrating carbon-neutral, AI-ML-data-driven designs, and computer modelling, which were crucial in developing solar-powered residential units and dynamic mixed-use spaces. Project received so far the 2023,“African Property Awards for Sustainable Residential and Commercial Development for Rwanda 2023-2024”. Collaborative efforts Ultimate Developers Ltd in Kigali with the 'datumzero Design Office,' under the leadership of PI Guillermo Garita, spanning NYC, San Jose/Costa Rica, and Kigali; CIEM's Alan Ocampo Guth in San Jose, Costa Rica; BA Ingeniería; and PPAR's Vargas Hidalgo & Dana Víquez Azofeifa, were instrumental in this project's success. Additionally, my work involved securing approval for Rwanda's first Solar Feed-In Tariff, furthering the project's sustainability goals.
Karl-Hofer-Award Berlin for the Research and Realization Project Gravel Pit Architecture

"Gravel Pit Architecture" Exhibition in the Gallery AEDES in Berlin


International Building Exhibition Competition (IBA) Contribution Fürst-Pückler-Land “Landmark Lausitzer Seenland” Outview-tower facility, in collaboration with Peter Drecker, Office for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Development, Bottrop-Hanover, and Mark Mueckenheim, Duesseldorf, Germany
First Prize Winner, Intl. Schinkel Competition 1985/1986 “Kunst und Bauen” by the Jury of AIV Berlin-Brandenburg, for redeveloping and transforming the 640-acre High-rise satellite district Märkisches Viertel with 11,000 housing units in Berlin, Germany. Project Beiratsverfahren Gisel Task Force for Wohnumfeld Charly-Chaplin-Schule, Kita, Turnhalle. Client: GeSoBau Berlin in collaboration with the German Ministry for Building and Town Planning, GeSoBauBerlin; Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs. Following the Karl Friedrich Schinkel award ceremony, he was interviewed and broadcast on the German ZDF heute-journal television.



Zero-Fossil-Energy-Settlement, Environmental Impact Assessment, Master Planning. Phase 1: Environmental impact assessment of the brown field area in Oberhausen-Dinslaken, Phase 2: Climate responsive, and resource balanced master planning with sustainability indicators for a 380 hectares low-carbon, zero-fossil-energy-settlement proposal (Nullenergiesiedlung). Project size: 380 ha, with Peter Drecker (Office for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, Bottrop), Co-PI: Thomas Spiegelhalter, Status: Phase 2 pending



The following projects span Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas, embodying master planning and design/built work as work-in-progress Urban Policies towards measurable Sustainable Urban Development. These initiatives adhere to the principles of the European Charter for Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning while aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the pursuit of Carbon Neutrality. This approach is instrumental in tackling inherited problems and paving the way for a sustainable, carbon-positive and biodiverse future characterized by a circular economy and reduced ecological footprints of cities, buildings and infrastructures. Global collaboration and partnerships are essential to achieving these sustainable urban development goals and contribute to a sustainable, resilient future and support the global commitment to Carbon Neutrality.
3rd prize in the International Urban and Landscape Design Realization Competition for the redesign and urban development of the public park "Helmholtzplatz Prenzlauer Berg Berlin"



Expert planning for the reclamation and redesign of a 547 m long and 74 m high steel promoting bridge (1) of the abandoned coal mining area in Klettwitz, Brandenburg in the abandoned coal mining area", as an Expo-Application-Project in cooperation with the landscaping architects Löwe and the Federal Office Kleine Elster, Brandenburg, Germany

Expert and feasibility study for the "Building evaluation and reactivation of the abandoned cement factory infrastructure of the Country Federal Garden Show Weil / Rhine" Client: City of Weil of Rhine, Germany

Design exhibition project "Transformation of the dry dock infrastructure of Antwerp, Belgium" in Cooperation with Prof. Dr. Groß, Weimar, promoter and project sponsors: Henry Van De Velde Instituut Antwerp, City of Antwerp, Havenbedrijf Antwerp and others

International Workshop "Critical appropriation of architecture in the former East Germany (DDR) by the example of the Karl-Marx-Alee Berlin" for a sustainable urban redevelopment multistory housing and working project concept of the former Stalin Alee, Organizer & Promoter: Hessian and Berlin Architect Organization with the Federal German Architecture Museum in Frankfurt; Germany, participants: Harrisson Studio San Diego, USA, Karavan, Paris etc.

Concept planning and realization of landscape and pavilion sculptures for the temporary Federal Country Garden Show and for the public health park in Bottrop 1999, International Building Exhibition Emscher Park (IBA) project




Urban and Landscape Design Realization Competition Vauban-Freiburg

2nd prize in the International Urban and Landscape Design Realization Competition for the redevelopment and transformation of the former Russian military infrastructure and landfill area of Magdeburg and concept development for the temporary National Federal Garden Show Magdeburg ,Germany in collaboration with the Landscape Architects P. Drecker and J. Dittus




Design and Realization project for a redevelopment concept of new pedestrian paths and steel bridges in the new civil park Herten of the transformed coal mining area, developer and client: Landesentwickungs-Gesellschaft North Rhine, Westphalia, Germany in Cooperation with studio for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Development P. Drecker, Bottrop-Hannover, Germany

2nd prize in the National Expert Design Competition for a planning and designing concept for a redevelopment of the abandoned industrial coal mining area of Espenhain-South Leipzig for sustainable commercial and residential buildings, in cooperation with the Office for Landscaping P. Drecker, Berlin-Halle-Hannover-Bottrop, (Customer Montan Property Development Society / Berlin, Germany)

2nd prize in the National Expert Design Competition for a planning and redesigning concept for a redevelopment of the abandoned industrial coal mining area in Wattenscheid-Germany for sustainable mix-used residential buildings, in cooperation with the Office for Landscaping P. Drecker, Berlin-Halle-Hannover-Bottrop, Client: Montan Property Development Society, Berlin

Design, concept planning and realization of the "Sculptural Environment" in Eurotec Moers: reclamation, recycling and transformation of blasted steel parts of a coal mining tower to thirtyeight 8 to 12 m high steel sculptures and a new landscape infrastructure to connect the neighborhoods and the new working environments, project sponsor: City of Moers, PRO Ruhr District, Eurotec Moers and the Ruhr Coal AG
International Design Competition Contribution “Re-development Spielbudenplatz Hamburg-Reeperbahn”, in cooperation with P. Drecker, Office for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Development, Bottrop-Hanover-Berlin, Prof. Timm Ulrichs, Germany



Expert planning for the reclamation and redesign of a 634 m long and 66 m high steel promoting bridge (2) of the abandoned coal mining area in Zwenkau by Leipzig as a Expo-Application-Project in order of the administration office of South Leipzig Area, Germany
Innovation City Ruhr Modell City Bottrop, Germany. 2020 Master Plan Development with Climate- Responsive Innovation Guidelines and CO2e emission reduction of 50 % by 2020. Water and Energy Retrofitting strategies and policies with new innovative renewable energy resource infrastructure development projects between 2014 and 2020. Planning Group: Architecture and Town Planning: PI: Speer + Partner, Frankfurt, Germany; Landscape Architecture and Open Space Design: PI: Peter Drecker, Bottrop-Berlin-Hanover, Germany with Consultant Thomas Spiegelhalter, Miami Beach, USA; Gertec, Essen, and Conlab Engineering Office, Düsseldorf, Germany. Overall Project Director (President): Burkhard Drescher, Innovation City Management GmbH.
Project Ice Wall", installation of the first prize of the International urban design competition in the Museum at Checkpoint Charlie Berlin

First Prize in the International Urban Design Competition For The Cautious Urbanization Of The Berlin Wall Between East And West, Promotion: City of Berlin, Mythos Berlin GmbH, Museum Checkpoint Charlie and others

Planning and Realization project (1st Prize) "International Building Exhibition Emscher Park (IBA) Competition Germany", master planning, redevelopment Project of the abandoned Steel and Coal Mining area "Zeche Osterfeld Oberhausen" to a mixed use public recreation park of the German Federal Garden Show (25.000 qm), Schwarzes Tor Oberhausen (23 m high)", transformed observation tower sculpture with six steel bridges and a coke battery (274 m long) in cooperation with the studio for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Development P. Drecker, Berlin-Halle-Hannover-Bottrop and J. Dittus, Germany
Expert redevelopment and concept workshop in the residential district of Leipzig-Gruenau, Germany, redesigning of disposable eight by ten storeys tower dwelling blocks, Project Sponsor: Federal Ministry of Environmental Planning Bonn, Building and Construction Industry and Urban Development Bonn represented by the City of Leipzig, Germany
Shanghai Expo 2010, Master Plan, Pruxi Park, China. Size: 480 hectares Client and Collaborators: Urban Land Institute for Construction and Design, Shanghai; Peter Drecker, Office for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Development, Bottrop-Hanover-Berlin, Germany with Architect Thomas Spiegelhalter, Freiburg- Los Angeles. Phase 1: Theme Park Development and Massing with Climate Responsive Urban Master


XXI UIA World Congress of Architecture in Berlin, "Resource Architecture:Dialogs and Strategies for the built environment- Urban models in dialog." Exhibition and Lecture contribution: Toward Zero-Fossil-Energy-Urban-Infrastructures

Development of a strategic implementation of the International Solar City Program for Pittsburgh, USA and San Jose & Costa Rica, IEA Task 30, ISES

Participaton International Singapore Management University Urban Design Competition
International Design Competition Contribution “Re-Development Berlin Alexanderplatz”, in cooperation with P. Drecker, Office for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Development, Bottrop-Hanover-Berlin, Greenbox H. Schäfer, Bochum, Germany

Master Planning Net-Zero/Carbon-Neutral/Positive Environments

Exhibition: TERRITORIES: Contemporary European Landscape Design, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, project contribution with Peter Drecker and Jochen Dittus, funded by the Government of France, Étant donnés: the French-American Fund for Contemporary Art and the Government of Switzerland, Swiss House and Presence Suisse.

International Expert Design Competition New Park visions and scenarios for development concepts for investors of new sustainable industrial and business parks in the Emscher-Lippe-Region, Germany; with Landscape Architect Peter Drecker, other participants: PricewaterCoopers Bruessel, ARCADIS Tritschler, ISA Consult GmbH, Trimp & van Tartwijk, Utrecht, LEG Dortmund